4 ways to boost your Facebook page

If you’ve already created your brand page and are ready to start promoting your business through it, inviting people to like it and increasing your sales, it’s time to ask yourself: How to make it consistent with the image I want to convey?

You need to pay attention to some simple (but very important) customization points to guarantee that you fan page is in tune with your brand identity.

To do this, we have prepared a short list. Put it into practice!

1. Play with the cover image

The cover image of your Facebook page is almost as important as the avatar itself (or profile picture). The difference is that while the second should preferably be your company logo, the first can be changed frequently and provide different information.

Consider the news of your business and try to change the cover image based on them.

If you work with fashion products, for example, you can use a thematic image for each season. On the other hand, if you sell electronic products, why not highlight, week by week, the most popular products?

Another simple alternative is incorporate into that image your tagline clearly and attractively. The options are many: think about your brand proposal and use your creativity!

With tools like Canva you can and with excellent quality. Remember that, to make it look good, the recommended size is 851 x 315 pixels.

2. Complete all the information

This advice may seem obvious, but there are countless pages that don’t add the most basic data.

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Presenting the complete information of your business makes all the difference at the time a visitor chooses to enter your site or not.

Start with the most basic: put the link of your online store or institutional page in the “site” or “official page” fields (they may vary according to the type of business you chose). Then, do not forget to fill in the phone number and contact email.

done that, Take a few minutes to describe your brand proposition: What value do you want to add to the lives of your customers? How can you present your business in a brief and attractive way?

With that in mind, I’ve written a short description, which will be displayed to the left of the timeline, and a long description, which is accessed by clicking “Information”.

Finally, enter other important information, such as the start date of your business, the address, the mission and the products. Take advantage of all the available fields to better showcase your business and make it easier for people to identify with your work.

3. Add a call to action

If you sell online, surely you already use calls to action (or calls to action) in your online store or in email marketing campaigns. But have you thought about applying that resource on your Facebook page?

The platform offers a great solution and, using it, can increase your engagement metrics with followersin addition to visits and conversions.

To activate it, simply select “Create call to action” and choose the most appropriate text for the objective you want to achieve: registrations, purchases, watch a video, make a reservation, etc.

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If you want to increase visits to your online store, for example, it is convenient that you choose “Buy” or “More information” and add the link of your ecommerce site.

In case you want to encourage your audience to get in touch, the best options are “Call”, “Contact us”, “Send message” or “Send email”.

There are also other calls for more specific types of business and actions, such as “Book”, “Sign up” or “Watch video”. Different buttons are worth trying to see which ones produce the best results.

4. Customize apps

often little explored Facebook page apps are a great way to increase functionality and offer special possibilities for the people who follow your fan page.

If you promote your brand or offer support to your customers through other social networks, you can start with add specific applications for those tasks:

Afterwards, it is worth exploring other services that may also be useful, such as which highlights the users who interact the most with your page (and encourages the participation of others), and which shows a countdown that you can use, for example, for a product launch or an event.

After you’ve added all the apps you want, you can go to “Settings” > “Apps” and change how those platforms appear to visitors to your site. fan page.


These were simple and quick tips to make your online store’s Facebook page reflect the . In future articles we will see some content strategies for you to conquer a good number of followers.

Still don’t have your ecommerce site? Take the opportunity to create your free online store for 30 days with the Tiendanube platform and .

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