Increase online sales with your store on the street

Did you know that you could be losing sales in your online store? Your street store and your virtual store should work together to get more sales.

Here are 6 strategies that you can easily implement to grow your business on the Internet:

Include a notice or banner promoting your online store

Including a notice promoting your virtual store is the first step for your customers and visitors who know your physical store to find out that they can buy online.

The most important thing is that this notice includes the web address (URL) of your store clearly and conspicuously.

For example, you can include these notices in:

  • The window or door of the premises (just like you do, they are the logos of the credit cards that you accept)
  • Cash register
  • On the invoice or purchase receipt
  • In the bags that you deliver to your customers
  • Inside the dressing room if you have a clothing store.

Mention your virtual store in your personal cards or postcards.

Many stores offer personal cards with contact information, or attractively designed postcards, that customers can pick up for free when they visit the store.

Do not forget to include the URL of your store in this type of material, both are an excellent way to keep in touch and build customer loyalty.

Deliver an exclusive discount coupon for your virtual store to all your buyers

In Ecommerce as in the offline world, the repurchase is even more important than the purchase. This is because when the customer buys again, the acquisition costs of the same disappear.

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One of the best ways to stimulate re-purchase and invite your current customers to try the online shopping experience is deliver an exclusive discount coupon for your virtual store with each purchase in your physical store. You can include it inside the bag or deliver it together with the ticket.

Invites you to buy products online without stock at the local

Many times it happens that a product is sold out in your physical store, but nevertheless you have stock in a warehouse, or in another branch.

In order not to miss that sale, you can invite your client to look for what they did not find in your online store. For example, Falabella usually includes banners in its branches that indicate to its customers that if they cannot find a product, they can look for it in its virtual store.

Offer your customers to subscribe to your newsletter

When your customer is paying for their purchase in your physical store, you can invite them to receive your news by subscribing for free to your brand’s newsletter, which must include a link to your online store. In this way, you subscribe to it yourself and make sure you start building a more lasting relationship.

If you haven’t created your newsletter yet, we recommend you read our and the .

Add QR codes on your products

Finally, an innovative and effective technique is the inclusion of in the boxes of your products, shelves of your store or labels of your garments if you sell clothing.

Then, your customers will be able to read said code with their mobile phone and instantly access the page of your virtual store where they can buy said product, or recommend it to a friend.

See also  Google Shopping: what it is and how to use it - Blog del E-commerce

To generate QR codes you can use free tools like or .

In conclusion, remember that it is always important. For that we invite you to read about how.

What strategies have you implemented to successfully integrate your channels?

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