▷ Internal link building tools: Take advantage of your link!

Normally we tend to focus most of our attention on obtaining and monitoring the external links that point to our website without spending enough time to follow a good internal linking strategy. That’s why, From we are going to talk about the different internal link building tools to optimize and control the internal linking of our website.


First, a website with a consistent architecture and effective internal linking will allow the user a more intuitive and simple navigationbeing able to easily find what you are looking for in it.

Internal links transmit to other pages of our domain, so it is essential to draw up a good strategy to grant the authority that we want to each page based on our interests.

To optimize these links, it is convenient to follow a series of tips:

  • The It must be related to the page that we are linking, making it as clear as possible to the user what is going to be found when clicking on the link. This will have to have a color or some effect that stands out from the rest of the text so that it is easy to distinguish by the user and increase their chances of clicking on it.
  • The more visits a page has, the more likely the user will click.
  • They should be placed in the content area of ​​the page, avoiding placing them in the footer.

once seen this, Let’s look at a few internal linkbuilding tools.


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We start our list of internal link building tools with a product from Google itself.

Through the “links” section of this tool we can see the total number of internal links and which are the most linked internal pages on our website. We can also filter the rows based on the number of internal links they have or what the destination page is.

One part to note about this tool is that shows exactly how the Google bot has crawled our website.


In the “architecture” section of this tool we can see a graphic representation of the internal linking relationships and the pages with the highest PageRank. We can also see which are the anchor texts that are repeated the most in our internal linking.

It has a differentiating factor with respect to other tools and it is that it distinguishes between two types of pages: Those that link to others (Hubs) and those that are linked (Authorities) which makes it a very interesting internal link building tool. Of course, there can be several pages that are Hubs and Authorities at the same time, such as the home page.


This tool is ideal to have control over the backlinks that we have on our website. However, also we can know which are the pages of our website that have the greatest authority. To do this, within the “site explorer” function, we will enter the URL address in the search engine and click on “better by links” within the “pages” tab.

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In this way We will be able to optimize our internal linking strategy to grant greater authority to those pages that we consider appropriate.


We end our list of internal link building tools with It is one of the best tools when it comes to doing an on-page audit of a website and, therefore, very complete to exhaustively monitor the status of our internal links.

Before starting to use it, in the “Configuration – Spider” section we can configure the spider so that it tracks only what interests us, being able to rule out the analysis of images, Javascript, CSS, etc., thus avoiding tracking time and resource consumption. our computer. Later we will enter the address of the domain that we want to analyze in the search engine and we will click on the “Start” button.

Once you have finished crawling the web, we will click on “Bulk export-all Inlinks” to download a CSV file with all the pages that have a link pointing to them. Later we will select “Bulk export” again and this time we will click on “outlinks” to download another CSV file in which it will show us all those URLs that have links pointing to other pages of the website.

With all this data we will have more than enough information to control in detail all the internal links on our website.

Of course, with this tool you can also find the links that are broken in the “response codes” tab and thus be able to act accordingly.

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Did you like our list of internal link building tools? If you think of any other, do not hesitate to leave us a comment and see you in the next one!

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