All about liposuction and bichectomy, the best treatments to slim the face

Whether due to heredity, genetics or being overweight, some people have very round faces. To refine the face and make it more attractive, you can resort to aesthetic medicine and surgery. Dr. Gema Pérez Sevilla, maxillofacial surgeon and expert in facial aesthetic medicine, explains the best treatments to lose weight and refine the face.

“A very rounded face is usually a consequence of genetics, either because there is a lot of fat under the skin or because there is a prominence of Bichat’s deep fat. In these cases we have two types of treatments: if the bulging of the face is due to level of the lower third, it is usually due to an excess of Bichat fat, in this case we can perform a bichectomy.In cases in which the prominence of volumes is due to an accumulation of fat under the skin, we recommend a liposuction of the middle area of ​​the face that we often associate with submental jowl liposuction”, continues the specialist.


It is a procedure that eliminates the so-called Bichat balls, to reduce the volume of the cheeks and highlight the cheekbones. It is performed using local and laser-assisted anesthesia, which reduces bleeding and speeds up recovery, since it prevents the area from becoming inflamed as much as with the conventional technique. An incision is made in the back of the cheek, next to the last molars of the upper jaw, and the fat protrudes, resecting it with the CO2 laser with minimal trauma. The area is sutured with absorbable stitches that do not have to be removed later. After 5-6 days, normal life can be resumed. The results are visible from the first month, but the definitive ones are not seen until after 4-5 months.

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Price: between €1,800 and €2,600.


It is a procedure that can be performed with local anesthesia or with local anesthesia and sedation. It consists of introducing cannulas under the skin, through two points (under the earlobe and under the chin), 2-3 millimeters, to remove the fat between the skin and the muscles. The intervention lasts 20 minutes and then an elastic band is placed that compresses the tissue to reduce inflammation, prevent bleeding and ensure that the tissues adhere. From the 5th day the inflammation subsides and you can have a social life. The result begins to be seen from the first month and becomes much more evident from the third month. Through facial liposuction, both the cheek area and the jowl area, which is more frequent, can be addressed to eliminate the fat between the skin and the muscle. In this way we manage to refine the face.

Price: from 1500 euros.

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