Miguel Barroso, former Secretary of State for Communications under the presidency of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, and a highly trusted person in the current Government, has launched an assault to participate in his management and boost media support for the PSOE in the face of the next general elections. through the company Global Alconaba, a company established in March by Andrés Varela Entrecanales, a former partner of Jaume Roures, and in which Daniel Romero Abreu, president of the consulting firm Thinking Heads, and Alberto Knapp also participate. As elEconomista has been able to confirm, Barroso’s intention is to increase Global Alconaba’s shareholding package and participate directly in the management of the group, further promoting its development in Latin America.
Barroso’s intentions to control Prisa are not, however, something new. In March 2021 he was already appointed director of the company and since then there have been many occasions in the sector that it has been taken for granted that he is the one who really pulls the strings of the communication group.
The last time it was as a result of Vivendi’s threat to raise its stake to 29.9%. Despite the fact that the French group wanted to become the majority shareholder of the owner of El País, it changed its mind six months later. The statement sent to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) did not go into details and only reported that there were .
However, the change of opinion was nothing more than purely administrative, the term that the Government had to give the green light to the operation was about to expire and Vivendi was not able to obtain the approval of the Executive of Pedro Sánchez. The rumor mill suggested that the Government’s refusal was because it was not willing to leave a communication group related to its ideology in French hands.
Grow in Latin America
With the entry of this new shareholder, Prisa seeks to become strong and continue growing in Latin America. It currently has a presence in a total of three countries in this territory, both with its Radio division, 10 countries, and with its news division, seven countries.
During the presentation of its first strategic plan last March, the company itself highlighted the importance of Latin America within its business, so much so that they intend to reach around 1,000 million in revenue, supported especially by the promotion of the digital business and the greater contribution from the markets of Latin America and the United States.
The importance of Latin America within Prisa’s business is also reflected in its shareholding. In fact, the Mexican presence is increasingly important and after the entry of Eneri Radio.