Duties of an SEO and Daily Tasks –

In order to take advantage of all digital channels today, large companies have focused on improving their performance within digital marketing. But for that it is necessary to make use of SEO work with the help of an expert, capable of setting and achieving certain objectives. So that the company or brand can have greater success on the platforms. Being SEO is more than positioning web pages. So that you get rid of doubts, we tell you what the functions of an SEO are and what they do on a day-to-day basis.

We know that these SEO professionals are essential for the proper functioning of digital marketing. Here’s why, so you can better understand why you should start using the services of these experts to improve your digital presence. Let us begin.

What is an SEO specialist?

The first thing we will explain to you in this post is what an SEO specialist is. It can easily be considered as the expert who is in charge of handling the different aspects related to digital marketing.

If you have heard about SEO or search engine optimization, then you will understand that this work is done by an SEO specialist. We know well that this type of optimization focuses on helping a web page to position itself better within the results.

Which means that, The SEO specialist is responsible for carrying out different types of strategies to help position a brand in digital marketing. Taking this into account, it is necessary to emphasize that each of these strategies is made up of different objectives.

And in turn, the SEO specialist has the focus of defining those objectives so that conversions are increased, the user experience is improved and so on. Although many can get to know the subject, it is always essential to have the help of a true expert.

What are the functions of an SEO specialist?

In order to carry out SEO work, it is necessary to comply with a series of functions that all specialists take into account. For that reason, we have compiled a list with each of the functions that must be fulfilled for an SEO job:

  • Technical functions.
  • Strategies.
  • Planning.

These functions are divided into other options that make up all the work that must be done to improve the SEO of any website.

Technical functions of an SEO job

Considering that working in SEO is currently one of the most profitable options to acquire money, it also requires some efforts. Among them we can count on the ability to fulfill the technical functions of the job, which are:

Analyze and develop audits on web pages

The first step to success when working on SEO is to analyze the web page you want to optimize and carry out audits that allow you to know its current status. This way you will be able to understand the level of optimization required, in order to develop a strategy according to your needs.

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An audit will easily allow you to know each current feature of the website and what the weakest aspects are. So you can start implementing strategies that improve each of these aspects, to ensure proper optimization.

Website optimization

Now, we know that browsers like Google are responsible for reading all the content of a web page to position it. However, there may be web errors that prevent browsers from reading the content correctly and positioning it.

One of the functions of an SEO expert is to provide optimization of web pages, fixing any errors that cause problems. And one of the most common is the fact that browsers do not correctly identify the content of a web page.

To achieve a correct optimization of a web page, the SEO expert has to improve the accessibility of the page and modify the entire web itself. This includes structure, content, media, and page load speed. Because a website that does not load fast enough is not well optimized.

In addition, you will have to ensure that the content of the web is correctly indexed by browsers, allowing its positioning.

SEO job strategy

In order to improve a job such as SEO, it is necessary to implement strategies that allow certain objectives to be achieved. Clearly, These objectives seek to provide the success that a web page needs, through a series of tasks that must be fulfilled. In this case, to define a strategy it is necessary to comply with some aspects such as:

Define Buyer Persona

When we refer to the Buyer Persona we are talking about the target audience. A strategy will be the one that defines how a web page will act to guarantee its success and this is not possible if you do not know who to address. For that reason, you need to define your target audience to understand their interests and how an ideal experience should be delivered.

define keywords

Keywords are responsible for creating a path within web positioning, since they indicate to browsers what a website is about. By having the right keywords, browsers are responsible for positioning the web page for those keywords.

What does this mean? If you have a web page about cars, chances are that your keyword is linked to this type of content. And you will have to choose it so that Google understands that this is what the content is about, positioning itself with other web pages related to cars. Then you would already know your competition.

Optimized content development

An SEO specialist must also have the ability to develop optimized content for a web page. This is because content plays an essential role and being able to optimize it correctly can make a big difference between winning or losing potential users.

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Said content must focus on providing solutions for users, represent the brand or company well and cover each aspect requested by Google.

Analyze and interpret results

Metrics are essential to understand the efficiency of any digital marketing strategy. All analytics can be a way to get relevant data that can help improve a strategy.

Performing analysis also offers metrics to define the weakest aspects of a web page and it takes knowledge to interpret them. Since a misunderstood analysis can also easily be a waste of time on an unnecessary strategy.

Planning in the functions of an SEO

Good planning is the basis for the success of any SEO work strategy. Having the skills to be able to meet the requirements of a plan is necessary to be an expert. And the best way to plan for SEO is:

Create plan and content calendar

The best way to increase traffic or the number of users who visit a website is well-optimized SEO content. For that reason, you need to have the ability to create a content plan and calendar.

This way you will be able to know what content should be published in order to obtain a greater amount of web traffic before a good optimization. And a calendar is also used, for consistency that helps users stay engaged without getting overwhelmed.

The intention is to create a content strategy that helps to better position a web page and not neglect the activity on the web. So that new users always arrive and position is maintained or increased.

Track objective actions

To know the success of any strategy, it is necessary to use a follow-up of objective actions. These actions are what allow the strategy to be fulfilled and with the follow-up it is possible to identify whether they are fulfilled or not, defining the effectiveness of that strategy. If the objectives are not met, it is best to start creating a new one.

Deliver reports based on real data

As a professional, it is necessary to make reports based on the real data obtained through different metrics in the analysis. In this way, the level of progress that a web page has had in terms of optimization will be known and new strategies can be implemented.

What qualities are necessary to fulfill the functions of an SEO?

Clearly, for any job you need to have a series of qualities. And in the case of an SEO job, these qualities are:

  • Ability to analyze: It is necessary to have it because in SEO a large amount of content is handled that must be analyzed, to develop strategies, objectives and others.
  • Organization: Messy work brings nothing but more clutter and inefficient results, so organization is needed to achieve goals. Thanks to certain protocols you can achieve the result you are looking for.
  • Communication and teamwork: In this job, communication is the key to being able to understand your clients and other experts. In addition, it is necessary to be able to maintain excellent teamwork in the field of marketing.
  • Creativity: The world is constantly looking for innovations and if you don’t have that ability, you will most likely fall into monotony. The goal is to be able to offer innovation to outperform the competition, so creativity is necessary.
  • Empathy: You must put yourself in the place of your clients, in order to better understand how your website should work.
  • Ambition and perseverance: You must generate great results and that can only be achieved by aspiring more, constantly.
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What tools does an SEO specialist need?

As in any job, you need to use tools to be successful in SEO. And with the plethora of options you can find today, It is best to know which are the most efficient options according to their functions. Therefore, we have created a list of the best tools for SEO below:

  • Google Keyword Planner: As we mentioned before, keywords play an essential role in web optimization. And with a Google tool like this, you can have greater access to the right keywords for a website.
  • Google Search Console: This is a Google service that helps you get an analysis based on the web page you want to optimize. You can compare and find out what its weaknesses are, to put into practice a strategy that improves it.
  • : This wonderful SEO tool allows you to know what the weak and strong points of a web page are. From its loading speed and its positioning to its backlinks, all in a single tool at your fingertips.
  • Google Analytics: The tool that will help you perform a deep analysis of the most important metrics for a web page.
  • Screaming Frog: Ideal to be able to know all the SEO details of a website, just by knowing its domain.

How to train to be an SEO specialist?

If you are thinking of starting to dedicate yourself to SEO work, then you need to have the correct training that allows you to do so. For that, you can find different courses that cover all the content you need to use…

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