Eva Cárdenas, from launching Zara Home to candidate for first lady

One of the next candidates for first lady of Spain, Eva Cárdenas, partner of the current president of the Popular Party, who will fight in the next general elections for the presidency of the Government, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, is not unknown at all. Her extensive resume that she accumulates behind her that make her become one of the great businesswomen in the entire country.

, as a result of moving her habitual residence to Madrid, where her husband currently carries out his political activity. She held this position for almost two years since her signing in December 2020. “From Sargadelos we feel pleased and grateful for these almost two years that Eva Cárdenas has shared with us” pointed out from the company in a statement, to which they added that “her dedication and good work have permeated our organization, making us all more efficient in our work”, they affirmed. The company did not close the door on continuing to work with Cárdenas in the future: “I’m sure we will continue to collaborate on some projects from time to time, but in the meantime, in this new stage of his life, we want to wish him the best both personally and professionally.” It was a pleasure and an honor to have had his advice.”

This last position does not constitute the culmination of the professional career of Eva Cárdenas, but neither is its end. Cárdenas’s beginnings as a businesswoman go back decades. Starting from the beginning and as a Galician from all sides, she graduated in Economics and Industrial Design from the University of Santiago de Compostela and later in a master’s degree in Business Administration and Management in the capital. Once she finished her studies, she took her first professional steps in the French cosmetics company L’Oréal and from there she made the leap to her, hired for the perfumery section. The real big leap for her came with the creation of the Inditex design, home and decoration items store, of which, starting in 2003, Eva Cárdenas was in charge of its management.

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75 markets and 600 stores

Eva Cárdenas was in charge of Zara Home for more than a decade, specifically from 2003 to 2018.

During these 15 years, the management that Cardenas exercised in this chain made her stand among one of the best valued executives in all of Spain. He earned this title by hand, because with his work he managed to lead the internationalization of Zara Home and be present in 75 markets -in 37 online until 2020, the date from which the brand was available on the Internet for everyone. -, with up to 600 establishments and achieving sales of more than 800 million euros.

In 2018, Cárdenas requested his replacement at the head of the brand and the company for personal reasons -in 2017 she gave birth to her second child, the result of her relationship with Feijóo and her departure is related to her motherhood and her desire to Focus more on your family. She admitted to feeling “particularly proud” of her work at the head of Zara Home during those more than ten years, as reported by Europa Press. -currently this position is held by Marta Ortega- she highlighted her work in command of Zara Home and lamented her departure. “Although I regret that Eva stops directing Zara Home, I respect her decision. We must warmly congratulate her for all the achievements achieved and for her dedication and creative talent, which has allowed Zara Home to reach a very high level of prestige and expansion international, which today guarantees the continuity and success of the project”, highlighted his words from Europa Press.

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Cárdenas managed to increase the income of the company created by herself by nearly 150%.

The haven of peace did not last long for Eva Cárdenas who, as a good businesswoman, entrepreneurship constitutes her DNA. Barely half a year after leaving the management of Zara Home and Inditex, but already in 2019, Cárdenas gave birth to her own real estate company, Niebla Azul, based in A Coruña and with which she returned to business activity. Its motto, collected on its website, conveys a clear message of love for its Galician land: “Blue Fog is a mixture of feelings for our loved ones and for our history, for the symbology that the fog and the blue color of our Atlantic “.

In 2020, in the midst of the crisis caused by the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the same year that Sargadelos signed for her, Cárdenas managed to increase the income of the company created by herself by nearly 150%, a growth with which he left behind the red numbers that he had registered in his first year of life and with which he scored the first benefits of the real estate company that he had founded a year earlier with his daughter Gabriela. However, her entrepreneurial achievements in her real estate began long before her. In less than half a year, the company went from having a share capital of 3,000 euros at the time of its foundation to one of nearly 800,000 euros.

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