is facing a strike this Wednesday in all its production centers, the first for an infinity of time, by the ERE to fire 3,305 workers. Not even with the great merger of Bilbao Vizcaya with Argentaria, in 2000, and its consequent adjustments, there was a misunderstanding with the unions and consensus was produced. Now, two days before the end of the formal period of talks to seal an agreement, the employee representatives are putting pressure on the bank to avoid forced dismissals and an improvement in conditions. The staff has strongly supported the strike.
According to the estimated figures provided by the CCOO, more than 75% of the offices have not opened today, although in the provinces of Andalusia the closure has been total. Regarding the monitoring of workers, they have not gone to their posts in more than 70% of the total in the 2,500 centers in which the entity operates.
In addition, at least 7,500 people have gathered in rallies against the ERE in 28 cities, with the aim of stopping the massive layoffs at the bank.
In Tuesday’s meeting, in order to lower the protest spirit of the employees, the BBVA management made improvements in some of the conditions, such as transfers, but these were enough for the unions, which continued the strike.
From CGT they consider that all exits must be done through early retirement and that these are voluntary. From CCOO, the formation that has called the strike, they hope that the number of exits in certain provinces will be reduced due to their degree of affection, in addition to more advances in geographic mobility issues and in the 500 internal relocations.
The new step taken has not served to call off the strike, after weeks in which the proposals have been progressively improving. But on this occasion it has fallen too short in the opinion of the staff, which on different days has carried out two-hour partial stoppages.
, which were later lowered through internal relocations. In addition, his economic proposals will start from low levels, which have been progressively rising.
Economic conditions
The latest offer consists of early retirement from 50 years in different sections and compensation for the rest. Thus, between 50 and 54 years of age, it offers four times 65% of salary, up to a maximum of 250,000 euros, and a special agreement with Social Security up to 61 years of age, as well as a premium of 2,000 euros for every three years of seniority and a voluntary premium of 10,000 euros gross (between 10 and 15 years) or 15,000 euros gross (more than 15 years).
For staff between 55 and 62 years of age with more than 10 years of seniority, it proposes leaving the bank with 70% of salary and a special agreement up to 63 years of age, with a revaluation of 1%, discounting the unemployment benefit and, in your case, subsidy.
The compensation proposed for employees under 50 years of age and those with less than ten years of seniority is 33 days per year worked with a maximum of 20 monthly payments), a premium of 2,000 euros for every three years of seniority and voluntary bonuses of 5,000 euros gross (between 5 and 10 years), 10,000 euros gross (between 10 and 15 years) or 15,000 euros gross (more than 15 years old).
Finally, the proposal for employees aged 63 or over is 20 days per year worked, with a maximum of 12 monthly payments.