How the Getfluence platform works: easily manage your content marketing on influencer sites

He is extremely important in your online strategy. Through these publications, consumers can be attracted much further than just promoting products or services, since in addition to offer information that is not focused on the product you will be able to create more with the public to which it is directed and this strategy is much more effective if you post the sponsored content on influential sites within your industry.

But managing content marketing is not always an easy task as it not only refers to blogging, but requires knowledge, skill and above all time to find influential sites suited to your needs that help you boost your brand.

came to solve that problem: it is a platform that connect advertisers with influential sites that you can choose from among the 3000 that exist in its catalog, and thereby increase traffic on your own website, increase the notoriety of your brand and improve your reference in search engines.

Enrollment in Getfluence is totally free and you will not have to pay monthly fees. Also its operation is very intuitive since when you access their platform immediately you will be able to see numerous influential sites sorted into categories to better target your campaign.

This is how Getfluence works

Registering on the platform is very simple: you will only have to create an account using your email or a Facebook or Google profile, In addition to adding your company data to start the search for influential sites that are related to your brand, as you can see in their

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With this information Getfluence will show you the offer of available media that are related to your needs: no more manual search through keywords or waste of time.

Once you have chosen the right medium you will be able to establish direct contact through the platform where you will be able to know the traffic on the publisher’s website, the followers they have and most importantly: the formats that it works as well as its rates.

If you want to make the process easier, you can leave everything in the hands of the platform that you will be able to identify the most suitable editors for your content marketing campaign.

Getfluence’s flexibility allows you to set how you will work with your chosen influencer sites: whether the medium will be the one that generates the content or you will provide it yourselfthe budget, the brief data, the number of words you want, among other options.

After publishing your content, you will be able to see it directly on the page it was published on, in addition to accessing a complete report that lists all the articles that have been published and the key indicators of their performance. You will only pay the price of each promoted item that you have ordered.

With these simple steps you can create an effective strategy on influential sites without having to have great knowledge of the subject in an easy and safe way.

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