How to disavow links with the Disavow Tool –

Sometimes we can find links pointing to our website that have nothing to do with us. These may have been generated on suspicious sites, or through comments that have nothing to do with our website. There is also the possibility that these links have been generated by others with the intention of harming our website. For example, what happens if from one day to the next a thousand new links appear pointing to my home from spam-type comments with an exact anchor text. Do you think Google would ignore this? The answer is no.

Since the update of the penguin or “Penguin update”, Google began to penalize any kind of suspected purchase or manipulation of links. The following case can also occur, you are SEO, you take a new client and you start to review the links that your new client has. Suddenly you discover that there are hundreds of links with the same anchor text that someone who worked before in the company had bought to improve positions. This is something that was done very frequently before the Penguin update, but it stopped being done because it started to be penalized. Now, the links stay there and if I don’t do anything to remove them, my site is being harmed.

Now the big question:

How can I control who links to me?

That is, we are the owners and lords of our website. We can add keywords, improve information architecture, increase site speed. But why can Google penalize me for something that after all I have not done. Previously, it was the webmaster’s obligation to contact all the owners of those suspicious sites one by one and ask them to remove the link. Indeed, a Chinese task in which the last card is also held by someone other than you.

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In order to avoid this case, Google decided to give everyone the opportunity to disable links and this is done through the Disavow Tool. o link disavow tool.

Disavow Tool is accessible from Webmaster Tools and it helps us to disavow any type of link that is suspicious for us. In order to use the Disavow tool, all you have to do is follow the steps below.

1) Know who is linking me: Before disavowing any link, the first thing I need to know is who is linking to me. Through the same webmaster tools, inside I can get a list of the sites that are linking to me. Do you see anything suspicious? If you see something that you don’t think is a natural link, my advice in any case is to visit that site and check the link for yourself. There are other tools such as Opensite Explorer or Ahrefs that can also help you to see the domains that are linking to you in addition to knowing the Anchor text (or link text) with which those websites are linking to you.

2) Access the main menu of webmaster tools.

3) Access the

4) Once you are inside the disavow tool you have to choose the site you want to disavow links for (If you have several), click on the red “Disavow Links” button.

5) Upload a .txt file with all the links you want Google to disavow. Here it is important that you only include the ones that you want Google to disavow.

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6 ) Done! Links will be disabled in days/weeksthis already depends on Google.

Disavow Tool is a very powerful tool, which if used properly can get you out of more than one bad situation. It is very important that you monitor who is linking to you frequently, this can be done through tools such as That is, never wait for Google to call your attention for having bought links.

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