How to grow on instagram with a strategy based on stories, with Pepe Hernández (Copyfly) – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

Today we bring you a success story based on the content of , specifically Instagram: . In just one year, this online copy shop has not stopped growing in number of followers and orders. A fresh communication, with students hooked and with a fan phenomenon almost at the height of Desatranques Jaén.

An example that a good communication strategy can give your ecommerce the boost it needs. To do this, we spoke with the marketing manager Pepe Hernández. Do not miss it!

Interview with Pepe Hernández (Copyfly)

7:00 What is Copyfly?

It is a copy shop that launched into the online world a year ago. We were 6 companions and today we are 26 people. The beginning was in the living room of our boss’s house, a third without an elevator, with two machines and a binding room. As we billed, we brought more machines.

The growth was very fast, even though our competition was 10 times bigger than us. But we bet on a very close communication and I came from taking social networks to other companies, I knew how to work with different audiences. The one I like to work the most is the anniversary, I belonged to that audience.

This year we are going to close with 1.5 million. We grew month after month, increasing twice as many orders, having to close the websites on many occasions because we did not find so many orders. The year we do not know how much we can invoice.

11:30 What teams do you have?

At the beginning, he was in charge of the social networks, campaigns and dealings with , he was also the person who did the packing. The designer, who was in charge of the entire image of the brand, also printed. Now we have managed to automate printing processes, freeing up time. At the beginning we had 2 machines, 2 industrial printers and now we have more than 20.

Currently there is a management team, a logistics manager, a website manager, a video montage manager, a customer service department and me in the marketing area. On the other hand, in the printing part, there are the production colleagues, people who print, people who do the finishing of the product and packaging. We are each specialized in one area.

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We have a website that we work with WordPress and an application with a development team that works for us and is made to measure. Specialized internally, with a panel where we see the orders that come in or are pending.

15:00 How was the growth strategy?

We planned what the packaging was going to be like, what our website was going to be like, what communication we were going to have and what content we were going to share. We sell photocopies, we had to find a way to make this go viral. So we started to put little cards in the orders with funny phrases and themes of the momentphrases like “We are faster than the private jet of King Juan Carlos”. This people began to share.

Another thing that I noticed about the competition is that it did not rely on influencers from the education sector, which is much more profitable than the fashion sector, that are governed by agencies that charge you €300 for 3 stories. We did an ambassador program with influencers from the education sector, we gave away copies with a stable relationship and who were also clients. In addition, we wanted them to know us in that sector.

We did campaigns on Facebook and Instagram, now we go for organic content. The only thing we invest is in Google Ads but with a ridiculous amount because we don’t need more. Right now 79% of the influencers in this sector work with uswe have created a program where they themselves compete to be the best and at the end of the year we give them some prizes.

20:40 What do you call educational influencers?

We are not looking for people who have many followers. Our second ambassador, who gets the most orders, has 2K. They charge by commission, feeling the brand and without the need for us to go behind saying what content they have to do. We work with more than 140 influencers. plus all the people who upload content because they want to.

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We based in people who are a reference in primary education, physical education, nursing and many more, we have all the branches. They are people who are referents and their opinions count, even if they have few followers. We are interested in them having a relationship with our brand, uploading content and motivating the commission, not uploading 3 stories and the relationship is over.

27:38 What is your conversion rate?

I don’t know what the good conversion is in an ecommerce, our average is 10%. There are months that we have 12 and others 8. Our source of traffic comes from social networks more than and most of the purchases are made through the computer. In fact, we don’t even do SEO.

Our monthly traffic is 80 thousand visits on average. Every month the data changes a lot, in November we broke a record of orders. In the end we are very new and we have been climbing month by month. We don’t have real data on which months are good and which are bad.

35:25 You are on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, tell us what you do in each one.

We started Facebook because in Almería it was very strong, there were many groups of university students and the campaigns come from there, but we have it completely abandoned. Twitter was the most rogue part of our brand, it is a “lawless” social network, with a different communication. It is a way of continuing to respond to people who talk about us and continue our rogue communication.

we have it but we don’t work it. For it to really work, we need a tiktoker to make you specific content for that audience, not just anything is worth it. Our strong point is Instagram. created but we haven’t released it yet because we haven’t had time.

43:00 What is the average number of orders you have?

Last year we managed to attract many students, who when the oppositions are taken are teachers. When they enter the school, they no longer ask for copies for themselves, they ask for copies for the center. We received orders of 200 kg, orders of €2,000.

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We have few low orders, most do not pay shipping because they exceed the minimum price. The educational world spends a lot on studying and they study a lot.

51:54 Any brand that you like how they carry the nets?

A. I also follow a lot of baking accounts, I don’t get inspired by big accounts and brands. Small companies love how they launch it.

Now we are going to launch a line of merchandising and clothing. Style like Unlock Jaén. We play with him controlled cutrism.

56:40 What content do you notice works? And which ones don’t?

What works best is to involve the followers themselves. When we make question stickers I do it knowing that someone who sees us is going to put the answer I want. Sharing your content is what gives us reach. The reels also work for us, whatever we do has many reproductions.

Publications in the feed, it works little for us. The first publication was a raffle, celebrating our first month of life with a low budget, we proposed to raffle an iPad but the designer had to be fired, people voted to fire him and we took a crappy photo with Paint as if we had already fired the designer.

59:10 Challenges of 2022

We are finishing designing a project that when we launch it we will give a lot to talk about. A new functionality on our website, which our ambassadors are already familiar with and are testing internally. We know you will like it a lot. another challenge is to go out to Europe, we have our sights set on Portugal, Italy, and Germany.

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