How to write emails to be opened and read

In the world of , the fundamental factor is the text. The message transmitted by the email is in writing, in addition to the occasional image. What you write and how you write it It will help the success of your campaign.

In this article we are going to tell you some techniques to create emails that stimulate reading and interaction by users. It is necessary to take care of the details, be creative and practice empathy to create an email marketing strategy that adds value to your client’s day-to-day life.

The 3 P’s of email marketing

When talking about traditional marketing, we all know the famous 4 “P” that refer to the Place, the Product, the Price and the Promotion. But when you think about your email marketing campaigns you have to keep in mind other 3 key “P”. Your email must be:

  1. Pervasive: today there are more and more users who read their emails and do ecommerce from , it is for this reason that you have to ensure that both your store and your email marketing campaigns are optimized to be accessed from tablets and smartphones. As for emails, they should be simple, keep in mind that they can be read from a mobile device when the user is on public transport or even walking. That’s why, andAvoid loading the message with unnecessary content and go straight to the point, showing the benefit of being subscribed to your newsletter. The key is to penetrate the mind of your consumer by approaching it from all possible devices.
  1. Participatory: social networks and sites that allow users to leave their opinion about a product or service, strengthen the relationship between the consumer and the brand. The key is to accept positive recognition and feedback as well as constructive criticism. Your email marketing should encourage the voice of your customersTherefore, we recommend that you include all your contact channels within the email.
  1. Customizable: you can customize the content of your emails in various ways; One of them is to quote the client’s name in the title and body of the email. In addition to that, it is recommended to personalize the content that you send to your followers so that they find it interesting. Analyze which pages and products of your store they visited, analyze if they have already bought from you or if they left your site before making the payment. We recommend you send a personalized email according to the stage of each client in the relationship with your brand. It goes without saying that if your base has 2,000 users, you are not going to create 2,000 different emails, but rather you are going to group segments by similar behavior. Make the user feel special by receiving an email tailored to their interests.
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How to optimize the opening rate of your emails?

  1. Write titles and not ads: in the ‘Subject’ of your email, try to write describing what is inside it but without necessarily selling it. I wrote spontaneously and naturally, like a person speaking to another person. Even if your campaign is one-to-many, think of it as one-to-one. In this way you manage to draw the attention of your interlocutor without disturbing him, and therefore it is more likely that you will get a positive assessment.
  2. Be clear and creative: It is recommended to do to see the performance of two different title styles. In one you can appeal more to clarity while in another you bet on creativity and generate intrigue.
  3. If you make an offer, determine the deadline: a good practice is to specify the validity of the offer in the title of your email to generate more urgency for the reader and encourage them to open the message so as not to be left out.
  4. Use concise and direct questions in your titles: in this way you generate the need for a response in the reader. For example, if you identify that there are some users who stopped opening your emails, send them a message asking ‘Do you still want to receive news from us?’ You will not only be calling their attention but showing them that you care about them.
  5. Keep it short: Subjects that are too long end up causing the user to get lost and not quickly grasp the benefit of opening your email. Therefore, generate short titles and at the bottom.
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How to write an email that generates interaction?

  1. I wrote as a person and not as a company: it is clear that it is important to promote your brand, but the best way to reach the interlocutor is to write in the same way that he does. Generating identification is the key to interaction.
  2. I printed personality to your brand: people like to be part of something, and through language you can include them in the select community of your brand. Make them feel part of it by asking their opinion and constantly thanking them.
  3. Tell a story: It is always entertaining to listen to a story. Tell the story of your brand, your beginnings, your problems. This is a subtle way of selling what you offer.
  4. I included a well-defined ”: those contents that require a click by the interlocutor must include a button with a very clear call to action. Guide the reader to where you want them to go through colors, fonts and correct expressions.
  5. Pay attention to the most interested segments: analyze your database and identify those users who often open your emails. You have to make an effort to continue offering them interesting content, so that they become ‘advocates of your brand’.
  6. Send your messages during the most open hours: it is recommended to try several times for sending your emails and then choose the one that generates the most openness and interaction. It could happen that your target audience reads emails as soon as they get to work, or maybe they leave the promotional messages for the night, when they get home again. Investigate the behavior of your target and determine the best shipping schedule for your particular business.
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By applying all these techniques, you will surely be able to optimize your email marketing campaigns and therefore increase your sales. Try to stay up to date, researching the emails that your competitors send and those ventures that are inspiring to you. This way you will be able to get ideas for your own brand!

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