Learn how to do a customer satisfaction survey – Tiendanube

A Customer satisfaction survey it is an important element for any type of business or company because through it they can obtain information to improve their offer or some of their internal processes.

Do you have a business that fails to deliver its full potential? Do you think your products or services are of great value to users, but you don’t get frequent buyers? Perhaps what your brand needs is to analyze the level of user satisfaction. In this post I will tell you about an essential tool to obtain data: customer satisfaction survey.

One of the most effective ways to grow your business, without ruling out sales, is to ensure that your customers are truly satisfied with the service or products you offer them. And although it is a process that can be somewhat intimidating, it is essential to discover the strengths that you can accentuate and those that you can correct.

Are you ready to capitalize on every new interaction you have with your buyers? Read on and learn how to make your first Customer satisfaction survey.

What is a customer satisfaction survey?

A customer satisfaction survey is a resource that allows you to obtain an accurate and clear opinion from your customers about your products or services and, also, the attention provided by your team.

In other words, with a customer satisfaction survey you can measure the success of what you sell and the staff that have direct contact with buyers―or potential buyers―.

What is a customer satisfaction survey for and what is its importance within a business?

include a satisfaction survey in your sales processes, it allows you to discover a side of your business that would otherwise be almost imperceptible. Since, through a brief series of questions, you will discover the perception of the clients, finding out what each client liked the most, what they lacked, what they expected and even if there is a possibility that they recommend you with its environment.

But why is it so important? Knowing the satisfaction of a client has become more relevant in recent years due to the number of businesses that migrated from physical sales to the online environment. This is due to the fact that the company-client interaction becomes more complex; many people are still not used to personalized treatment through a screen.

Therefore, taking care of the customer experience has become crucial to stand out in a world full of alternatives.

In addition to the above reasons, through a satisfaction survey it is also possible to:

  • Recognize the multiple successes of your business.
  • Promptly reveal areas of opportunity.
  • Strengthen the loyalty process.
  • Differentiate your brand from the competition.
  • Enrich your ideal client.
  • Identify opportunities for improvement in product or service.
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Main advantages of a customer satisfaction survey for your business

Before sharing three of the many advantages you get when applying a satisfaction survey, it is important that you take into account that, today, people are willing to pay more for a better service, turning it into a real competitive advantage for your business. Now yes, let’s move on to the main advantages:

  • Establish a positive relationship with your customers.
  • Make improvements to your sales strategies.
  • Optimize your performance indicators.

Establish a positive relationship with your customers

Building customer loyalty is one of the advantages you can obtain based on the answers obtained, since the answers can serve as a guide to take actions that contribute to the improvement of your products or services.

Make improvements to your sales strategies

If you get real opinions, you will know those aspects or processes with which your clients feel more comfortable. And, at the same time, you will discover those that require specific adjustments.

Optimize your performance indicators

The greater the satisfaction, the better the results of your performance indicators will be, as these will allow you to check the efficiency with which your business is operating to achieve its objectives.

Types of customer satisfaction surveys

There are several indicators that will help you measure the satisfaction of your customers. I share the most decisive ones below:

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • Customer Effort Score (CES)
  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Known in Spanish as customer survey. It is carried out through a single question that is used to determine the loyalty of customers towards a product or service:

What is the probability that you will recommend a friend or acquaintance?

The result of this question is measured with a number that goes from 0 to 10, where 0 is equivalent to ‘not at all likely’ and 10 to ‘extremely likely’. So the closer your customers get to the number 10, the greater the certainty of their satisfaction.

Customer Effort Score (CES)

In Spanish it is known as . This does not directly measure satisfaction, but the interaction that exists between the client and the company. That is to say, the effort that a client makes to be able to solve a doubt, a problem or a concern in relation to a certain product or service.

This type of survey can also be implemented by means of a single question. For example:

Was it easy for you to find the solution to your question?

The answer to this question is divided into 5 possibilities, which range from ‘very difficult’ to ‘very easy’.

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

Also known as the customer satisfaction score or index. This question allows you to know the general satisfaction of the buyer in relation to a product or service that he has already purchased. It would look like this:

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How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the purchased product or service?

Here, the scale to measure the degree of satisfaction goes from 1 to 5, where 1 indicates ‘very dissatisfied’ and 5 ‘very satisfied’.

How is a customer satisfaction survey done?

Once you have the questions under your radar, it is time to move on to the development of the survey itself. We recommend you consider the following points:

  1. Set your goals.
  2. Define a target audience.
  3. Select the appropriate questions.
  4. Strategically define how to apply your survey.
  5. Track every survey.

1. Set your goals

The most important thing is to ensure that they are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and define a deadline for compliance. Since it is not the same to say: I want to increase my website traffic. To define specific objectives such as: I want to increase the number of visits to my website by 50% in a maximum period of 5 months. Notice the difference?

2. Define a target audience

Making your goals measurable is just as important as being specific with the audience you want to send your satisfaction survey to. This is key since you will not get the same response from a customer who buys from you frequently as from a customer who buys from you for the first time.

3. Select the right questions

The right questions are those that will take as little time as possible from your customers, while still providing useful and concrete answers. One of the most used alternatives are closed questions. Although it never hurts to include an open question that allows your clients to expand a little more.

💡 Tip: You’re hoping customers will take the survey without embarrassing them, so keep it short and offer some compensation if possible.

4. Strategically define how to apply your survey

There are specialized software to carry out this process. But if you have a limited budget, perhaps the best alternative is a free tool like Google Forms, which facilitates the preparation process and allows you to send the survey directly to an email or share it through a link.

5. Follow up

A satisfied customer opens up multiple possibilities for your business. But what about the negative comments? We recommend you take them as an opportunity and not just to correct the situation. You can also take advantage of them to collect information that allows you to make trends visible or recognize areas of opportunity regarding the different teams in your business.

📌 Important: involve your team so that together you can work on improvements and set aside time to thank each customer for their time.

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What questions to ask for a customer satisfaction survey?

Below we share a list of eighteen questions that you can include in your satisfaction surveys, but remember that these must be asked in accordance with the objectives and context of the business that is going to be measured:

  1. Did you find the information you were looking for on our website?
  2. How would you rate your experience?
  3. What was it that motivated you to acquire our or ?
  4. If it were in your hands, what would you improve?
  5. What other feature would you like our product to have?
  6. What function do you consider most useful of this product?
  7. What do you consider most valuable aspects of this service?
  8. How long have you been using our products or services?
  9. Would you recommend this to you or your family or friends?
  10. Did this service help you achieve your goals?
  11. How often do you use this or ?
  12. What alternatives did you consider before purchasing this product?
  13. What was your favorite part of this service?
  14. What motivated you to renew your subscription for another 12 months?
  15. Did you experience any problems during your purchase process?
  16. What can we do to improve your experience?
  17. How informed was the person who addressed your concern?
  18. Did you get the necessary information to solve your problem?

Difference between a product or service customer satisfaction survey

Although there may be similarities between them, a service survey is responsible for measuring the efficiency (and aptitude of the people behind it), while a satisfaction survey focused on a product focuses mainly on its characteristics.

Customer Satisfaction Survey Examples

As the attention and user experience have become more personalized, companies have taken on the task of automating the processes through which they discover the satisfaction of their customers. Here are three examples of it.

1. LinkedIn

Within the help center of this social network, focused on creating business connections and facilitating the job search, there is a small three-question survey. Same that invites you to share your level of satisfaction based on the information provided.

As you can see it is short, concise and at the end it thanks you for .


This clinical analysis laboratory has automated its responses through a WhatsApp. This is how, once your doubts have been resolved, it invites you to answer a single question through which you rate the care provided.

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