Link an article from the menu in WordPress – .com

In this basic WordPress tutorial we are going to see how to add a specific article to the navigation menu of our site.

The menus in WordPress

Well-structured menus with clear and intuitive options will facilitate navigation for our users, and help them easily access the different sections of our website.

Although the theme of the menus is easy to understand, there are some options that are not found by default in WordPress. Among them, duplicating menus, placing icons, or showing some elements or others depending on the users who are viewing our page. If you are interested in the subject you can take a look at , where you will learn to do all this and some other things 🙂

Normally the menus contain pages, but on some occasions we may want to link to a specific post. In this tutorial we are going to learn how to link an article from the WordPress menu, and we will see two possible ways.

Link an item from the menu

The first thing we have to do is open the menu we want to modify. For this we go as always to the WordPress desktop, and then we enter “Appearance / Menus”.

Now, in the “Edit Menus” tab that we see by default, we will choose the menu that we want to edit. To do so, we will simply click on the “Choose the menu you want to edit” drop-down menu, and once the one we are looking for has been selected, we will click on “Choose”. If we only had one, it will already appear open.

From this same screen we can modify the links that appear in our menu. Once we have the menu open in editing mode, we will see a section where several sections will be displayed from which we can include our links. In this case we see the pages of our site and the option to add custom links.

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Well, at this point we can link our article in two different ways. One through personalized links, and another from a list of entries. Let’s see how to do it.

Add post to the menu using custom links

The first method is to use the custom links option. If you have been using WordPress for a long time, you will know this option very well. As its name indicates, it allows us to add any link, external or not, to the WordPress menus.

To do this, we simply click on “Custom links”, which will display the options, and we will have to fill in both the “URL” field and the “Link text”.

By clicking on “Add to menu”, the new link will be placed last, behind the options we have. Now we would only have to save the menu and we would have linked our article in it.

Another way to do it would be to include in the options section that appears by default, in this case “Pages” and “Custom links”, a section from which we could choose between the available entries. And how do we do this? We will see it in the next point.

Add post to WordPress menu from post list

We can add a specific post to our menu in the same way that we do it in the case of “Pages” or “Custom Links”, all we need is to include the “Posts” section.

As we can see, right now this option does not appear. To add both this and other options, we have to click on the “Screen Options” button, and select the boxes that we want to use there. In our case we could choose between “Pages”, “Entries”, “Custom links”, “Categories” and “Labels”.

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By checking the “Entries” option, the corresponding box will appear directly so that we can link our post in the chosen menu. To add an item to our menu, we simply select it by checking the corresponding box, and click on “Add to menu”.

From here we can also “Select all”, “See all” or “Search”. The latter could save us a bit of time if we have many articles published on our website and we are interested in linking to one in particular.

Once we add it to the menu, the new option will be placed at the end of it, and we can change the position of the link by dragging and dropping the menu option wherever we want.

We could also display the new element and change the “Navigation Label”, which is the text that we will see in the menu for this link, and which by default will be the title of the entry. It only remains to click on “Save menu”, and that’s it!

Adding the link to our articles from the “Posts” box may be a better practice in this case compared to custom links. In this way we can avoid any possible error when transcribing the link of our page, and also if we change the url of the entry for any reason, the link to it will be maintained, automatically updating its link in the menu. So it would work without having to do anything else.

Finally, comment that we could also have linked our article from the WordPress theme customizer, which we can access from “Appearance/Customize/Menus”.

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At this point we would have to choose the menu where we would add the link, and from there click on “Add element” and add either a “Custom link” as we have seen in the first section, or directly the entry from “Inputs” by clicking the “+” sign. Then we would publish and have the change made.

And that’s all! Any of these ways will help us to link our post in the menu that we have chosen.

Summary and conclusion

The menus are a relevant part of our pages since navigation on our site is allowed through their structure. Normally they contain pages, but on some occasions we may want to link to a specific post.

To add it we can follow two paths. One will be to include it as a custom link. The other will consist of adding it directly from a list of entries. To view this list or box we will have to select “Entries” in “Screen options”. Next we will choose the post, we will add it to the menu, and once we save everything, our article will be linked.

You already know that if you want to learn how to take advantage of WordPress menus, we have a course available where you will learn, among other things, how to duplicate menus, place icons in each option or show menu items depending on the users who visit us.

Also, if you subscribe to you can also access other courses, we have more than 6045 step-by-step guided videos. If you feel like it, see you inside! 🙂

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