Own domain: 6 reasons to have one and advice on the subject

The domain, or , is the virtual address of your page. It is how your customers will search for your company or product on the Internet.

If you are starting to work in the digital market now, you need to understand that free domains do not offer the same features of a registered address, in addition to making your business convey an image of a hobbyist, which can affect the trust that consumers will have in your domain. your product or service.

It’s not for nothing that pages hosted on free domains don’t appear on the first pages of searches!

Therefore, we suggest you answer the following question:

As a consumer, which site would you access more securely: or https://wordpress.com/zara (fictitious URL)?

More than giving credibility to your initiative, your own domain brings a series of other advantages, such as the creation of subdomains for specific pages, for example.

Here are some tips to create and manage a domain that will be the basis of the !

How to have your own domain? Step by Step

The first step in acquiring your domain is to check if the name you chose is available. To do this, go to the site and type the desired domain name in the search bar.

If the address is not available, the site will notify you instantly. In the event of a positive response, all you have to do is register, which basically consists of filling out a form with all the information about your website and your payment details.

At the end of the process, you will receive a message at the email address provided confirming the contract and, voila: you already have your domain registered!

Tips to have a good domain

The following details can help you establish a domain that conveys more trust to users:

choice of name

Your site’s domain should represent your brand identity. In addition to increasing the acceptance of your business with the target audience, the name of the registry must be easy to remember. Therefore, do not choose complicated and long names. Be direct! We don’t want users to have to type in a long address like: www.misitenuevodecursosonline.com, right?

In addition to making it difficult for potential customers to find your site, it will be difficult for them to memorize the address to return to the page and recommend it to friends.

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Another negative factor is that domains that have a lot of words confuse not only the Internet users, but also the indexing tools of search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Registration and accommodation costs

Gone are the days when having your own domain was a thing for large companies. The proof of this is that there are .

With the increase in demand for registration, prices have been reduced and today it is possible to acquire your own domain for approximately 12 dollars (USD) per year. There are also several options of plans with discounts for those who acquire the right to use the domain for a term of 2, 5 or up to 10 years.

Content hosting is charged in monthly installments, which vary according to the space available on the server and the resources offered. But it is possible to acquire them for less than 10 dollars (USD) per month.

Compared to ads, having your own domain is a minimal investment, but it can bring important advantages for your business both in terms of page visibility and sales. To know more about the creation of your page and web hosting services, access our post about

Definition of extension and purchase

To guarantee the address of your site, you must check the availability, as we show in the tutorial at the beginning of the post.

In addition to the traditional extension .comthere are a variety of options such as .net, .org, .edu. But if your product is not very specific (such as an art gallery site, for example), we suggest you stick with the first option, because sites ending in .com perform better, as they are more intuitive to use. many people in the world.

This does not mean that you cannot have more than one registered domain. This idea, on the other hand, is a competitive advantage against possible counterfeiters, in addition to restricting competition.

Imagine that you have a blog about financial consulting and you bought the domain www.Comprasonline.com (fictitious URL). It is a common name for those who research on the subject, right?

Therefore, you can buy similar domains or with the same name, but different extensions, to make sure that there are no other sites out there with the same name as yours, as this can mislead who is already your client.

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If your business has an international reach, it is worth acquiring a domain .com. These are run by companies that are primarily located in the United States, such as . Before choosing the service, make sure of the credibility of the company and the resources it offers, such as hosting, support and control panel.

6 advantages of having your own domain

1. Reliability

The main advantage of having your own domain is to guarantee the reliability of your site, blog or . For customers, this shows that you are concerned about offering a more complete, secure and reliable experience to those who browse, especially in the case of financial transactions.

In the case of a website hosted on subdomains like wordpress.com it can give the impression of being a hobbyist site. In addition, the entrepreneur is subject to losing all the content of his site, since this page does not “belong” to him in fact.

2. Personalized email

Having personalized email accounts for your business is another advantage of acquiring your own domain. You can easily create contact@mysite, sales@mysite, among several other options. Thus, you can make a selection of the type of email in each of the accounts, also passing on a professional image to all your audiences.

The personalized email address also conveys more credibility than a personal address that the recipient doesn’t know, but this will of course also depend on the kind of relationship you build with your customers. and clients.

3. Creation of subdomains

Another possibility that generates direct impacts for your business are subdomains, such as sales.mybusiness.com, or service.mybusiness.com. You can easily create these names in your domain’s control panel, which even helps you better manage visitor interactions with each page.

In the case of purchasing multiple domains, you can direct the user to the main page so that every time they type just yourbusiness.com, they are automatically directed to your main address.

4. Easy to promote it

Having your own domain allows you to find a personalized name that is related to your business, as well as being easier to promote the page to third parties, since you have less information to memorize and the URL is more intuitive and friendly.

Do you remember the fictitious URL that we used at the beginning about the American stores?

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In addition to the fact that the brand name does not stand out, since what appears first is the WordPress domain, it is a long name, which does not cause immediate identification in the public and is difficult to write, which would affect the amount of hits to the page.

Now, imagine a business that is just starting out, that has no physical headquarters and therefore totally relies on online advertising! How would the entrepreneur get recognized if users can’t even memorize the address of his page?

5. Online visibility

Search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing give priority to sites with their own domain, since the friendly URL contributes to the user experience.

There is also a metric called Domain Authority, created by MOZ, which is widely used to rate the relevance of a website based on various criteria, including SEO, which we will talk about in the next topic.

This scale does not apply to free subdomains, which greatly compromises the positioning of these pages in the main search engines.


Lastly, having your own domain makes it easier to set up search optimization (SEO) techniques and monitor your site’s traffic using tools like to extract essential information and analyze consumer behavior, most searched products, most read content, among various other information that will be useful to improve onpage and offpage factors and, consequently, improve the organic performance of your page.

Why do you need your own domain?

Throughout this text, we show how the domain is essential for people to be able to find your website more easily and, therefore, directly influences the performance of your online business.

A site with a short and objective name not only establishes a quicker connection with you and your product, but also helps to convey more credibility to the visitor, is important for the evaluation of the main search engines and is easier to promote. If you want to know more tips to improve the performance of your online page, visit our post on .

* This text was updated by Ana Nogueira.

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