Property Promotion Ads: Google launches a new advertising format for the hotel industry – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

Google has been building a solid market in the tourism business for years, mainly thanks to Hotel adsa platform that allows hotels to capture the attention of users, and directly offer them a booking opportunity.

Now, the Silicon Valley giant related to the hotel business. A format that would allow companies to capture customers at an earlier stage of their decision process.

What are Property Promotion Ads

or PPA for its acronym in English, suppose a new approach to advertising in the hospitality industry. This format works differently from Hotel Ads, as it does not respond to specific searches on the name of the hotel.

The PPA format shows the ads based on more general geographic searches. This means that the ads will be shown as results if we search for hotels in a certain location, which will allow the advertiser to create an influence on the user and lead him directly to the hotel’s own offers.

As Peter Fernandez, Product Manager at Hotel Ads explains,“They are displayed prominently in search results for geographic locations, allowing advertisers to position specific hotels in a certain location. Prior to this launch, direct participation in property promotion ads was done through a whitelist.”

What advantages does this new format offer?

Beyond the opportunity for early customer acquisition that we have mentioned, PPAs provide an opportunity for hotels to stand out even more in users’ local searches. Initially these ads will appear both in the search engine results and in those of Google Maps, and a progressive incorporation into the various Google services is expected.

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“While standard hotel booking link ads are designed for advertisers to get a reservation for a hotel that a user has already chosen, property promotion ads they are designed to allow advertisers to influence the purchase decision of users who are still looking for a hotel»Fernandez explains.

Hand in hand with this expanded reach, this new ad format would allow promoting strategies focused on increasing notoriety. This could be for the opening of new branches or even seasonal promotions according to the demand of the place.

Although this format just launched globally, The travel marketing management company Koddi had collaborated with Google in its pilot test, offering favorable results on customer acquisition and conversion optimization in potential customers.

Property development ads have been a great opportunity to drive incremental volume by increase visibility and create awareness for hotels in markets where they do not normally rank higher in the results

This is how Deep Kohli, Senior Director of Customer Services at Koddi, expressed the experience of this PPA pilot test. In addition, I propose this format as an innovative way to “capitalize on strategic opportunities”, allowing to displace competitors and strengthen the presence of the brand.

This new format will be available to all advertisers participating in Google Ads hotel campaigns.

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