SEO & Customer Reviews –

We have always heard that a satisfied customer is the best advertising of a company. And it is that an opinion or advice from an acquaintance, friend or relative influences a lot. in our purchasing decisions. That is so and we cannot deny it.

But, what happens on the internet and in online commerce? Do we trust the opinions of other users as well? You are right. Word of mouth has been resizedhas changed its scope, its rate of expansion and the level of influence on sales.

On the internet anyone can give their opinion or make a comment that can be read by thousands of people, influencing their purchase decisions.

In today’s post we are going to talk about how to improve SEO with customer reviews. Stick around to learn how to use this aspect to your advantage.

How do reviews influence sales?

There are many factors that influence sales, from sociodemographic to economic. However, opinions of other customers are one of the most influential factors On sales.

Whether your business is online or physical, the opinions of your clients can help you much. Therefore, whenever the opportunity arises, ask your customers to leave a comment or review positives.

Thanks to these ratings or reviews, users can know the quality of the product or service or its characteristics. Knowing all this, makes the rest of the users who go to know what the company is about, feel much more safety and trust when deciding to make a purchase. Real people are the ones who give their most sincere opinion -or not- and this is highly valued by potential clients. But, hey! Users will take into account both positive and negative opinions. This is something that you must take into account to take care of the online reputation of your brand and always respond, whether they are positive or negative comments.

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It is so important to receive the opinion of a client, that Google takes opinions into account when displaying its search results and values ​​the positive qualification of the companies. That is, it uses opinions as a factor to position a page.

SEO and customer reviews, why do they improve positioning?

Every company seeks be among the first search results in Google, but only 10 manage to be in the first position. They get it thanks to seo optimization and customer reviews help this organic positioning.

Receiving public feedback from customers, such as opinions on Google, is key to inspire confidence and customer loyalty. Google wants to present users with the best search results, the best optimized ones, the ones that offer athat’s why it takes into account the opinions of customers.

Consider reviews like user generated content and takes into account the keywords they use to rank.

Benefits of receiving positive customer reviews

Since your website or your blog is a point in the vast universe of the Internet, the logical thing is to try everything within our reach to not only make ourselves visible, but stand out among all the results that appear in Google.

These are some of the ways that customer reviews benefit your website, SEO and help you rank on Google.

It is new, relevant and quality content

The user generated content (UGC) or user generated content It is a current trend in digital marketing. Perhaps you have never stopped to think about the customer reviews as contentbut Google sees them that way.

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Every time a customer leaves a review or opinion, Google considers it new content to track. Whether positive or negative, it most certainly contains keywords relevant to your business, products, services or location. All this information helps Google to obtain a clearer image of your business and allows you to better position the results in the SERPS.

CTR increase

Not all companies know the importance of getting organic customer reviews. However, collecting opinions and taking advantage of the content they generate with such favorable and direct results, They will make your website stand out from the competition.

customer reviews build more trust in brandsso they will have higher CTR than the competition regardless of where you rank in the SERPS. A higher CTR is one of the factors that Google takes into account to position a page, so the higher the number of visits, the more steps you will climb in the ranking.

Google values ​​opinions

Google values ​​and understands reviews just like a potential customer would when reading a positive review. That’s why, show pages with many customer reviews firsts, always with the aim of show the most relevant pages and offer the best search experience to users.

We recommend that you encourage your customers to leave a review on Google and collect quality reviews. They just need a Gmail account to leave an opinion. Who doesn’t have a Gmail account by now?

Double SEO results

Do you want to double your SEO results? Then Respond to customer feedback, both positive and negative. This shows Google that you value your customers, their time and the comments they leave you.

But you should not only answer the comments of your customers for education or to please Google. respond to reviews it will also serve you for all this:

  • Increase of keywords to index.
  • Increased visits from Google crawlers, because they see that content as new, relevant and frequent.
  • Improvement of the CTR and the positioning in general, since you appreciate the positive opinions and listen or solve the negative ones.
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lower bounce rate

Reviews give trust and users need reasons to trust brands. A user is more likely to visit a website that has reviews than one that does not. Reviews increase consumer awareness and also brand trust.

Also, if there are opinions, users spend more time reading those reviews and convincing them to make the purchase, which translates into a lower bounce rate and higher Google ranking.

That’s why, To you as a customer, we ask you to encourage yourself to leave reviews and opinions when you have liked a product, service or have been satisfied with the attention in an establishment. It’s free, it only takes a few minutes of your time and we all like to be told what we do well.

You already know the importance of your customers leaving you opinions to improve the SEO of your website. However, you should not forget the importance of keeping your website and blog optimized. In , like , we take your project to the top of organic searches. Contact us now if you.

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