Storytelling: How to tell stories on Instagram

What is the most important lesson you learned in your childhood?

Surely a scene appeared in your head, and along with it – a movie. This happens because we learn everything from small stories or sequences of events that we listen to and experience here and there.

And not only real experiences can teach us something: entire generations of parents and grandparents have been inventing and reinventing fairy tales and legends to show children what is right and wrong, good and bad.

For whatever reason, this practice of storytelling has fallen out of favor in recent years, but marketing experts say it’s vital to bring it back.

What is the storytelling?

The literal translation of the expression in English is very clear and unpretentious: storytelling it means “tell stories”. This is the new bet of relationship marketing that is based on sharing the trajectory of your business with the public, little by little, in order to reinforce your proposal and stand out from the competition.

The secret is knowing how to select the moments that really represent the identity of your brand and make them accessible to anyone who wants to know a little more: a good change in the work environment, an award, a new strategy, among others.

The main point of who wants to start doing storytelling is to ask the following question: Why does my story deserve to be told?

Instagram and the media in general are full of profiles publishing all kinds of stories, and you will not want yours to be the same as another. Therefore, dedicate yourself to reviewing the path of your business and recognizing those elements that arouse the interest of the public. For example:

  • Characters: show a bit of the personality of each of those involved in your project.
  • conflicts: Entrepreneurship is not easy. I shared some of the biggest challenges and hurdles you’ve overcome, and everything your team needed to do to get where they are.
  • Wishes: what is the ambition of your brand? What is your mission, the end result you want to communicate to the world? Make the answer clear. Explore your strengths and everything that makes your story unique. After gathering some ideas, think of images that can be represented and published from time to time on your Instagram, mixing them with the usual posts.
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The strategy of storytelling on Instagram is very powerful since it can not only bring you closer to your followers, making them more interested in your brand, but it also creates potential customers who, later, you can offer them your products on Instagram.

If you are interested in knowing more about this topic, you can consult our exclusive guide on .

storytelling: examples that inspire

To better illustrate what we are talking about, we share with you some real examples of Nube stores that knew how to tell stories from Instagram posts with great success!

owner of the Nube store that bears her name, makes the most of Instagram stories to tell her followers what inspired her (and continues to inspire her) to create her brand.

To do this, he created a featured story that he named “Inspiration“, it is worth seeing it complete!:

Also, in another story called “my story” recounts the beginnings of his brand with his own images:

For their part, the owners of the Nube store have fun creating stories in “Unibow team

In addition, they introduce more members of their team and detail which area each one is in charge of!

You like me?

Knowing the challenges and achievements of your brand, your customers will feel much closer to it. Strengthening that bond can also help encourage them to be a part of your story.

bet on him storytelling and see what this strategy can do for you and your business!

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