The largest landlord in Germany, Vonovia, will lower the heating for its tenants due to the gas crisis

The Vonovia real estate company, which manages almost half a million rental homes in Germany, has announced that it will lower the heating for its tenants at night to 17 degrees to reduce energy costs. The country is facing a deep energy crisis due to gas supply cuts from Russia.

The reduced heating measure will be implemented gradually over the next few months and will apply to all buildings in early autumn. The company aims to save up to 8% on heating costs.

Tenants already pay a fixed monthly amount for heat based on an annual estimate. At the end of each year, the company can request additional money from tenants or pay a refund, depending on actual consumption and cost.

Skyrocketing heating bills, reflecting global protests and shortages due to the Ukraine crisis, could mean tenants are hit with gigantic bills early next year.

Vonovia, which has 55% of its heating system supplied by gas, said it was informing tenants that high energy prices will lead to higher additional payments in the future.

Last month, Vonovia Chief Executive Rolf Buch said he expected rising energy prices to cost tenants the equivalent of up to two months’ rent.

Germany moved into stage two of its three-tier emergency gas plan last month after Russia cut pipeline deliveries, a step before the government begins rationing fuel consumption.

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