The SEPE notice: this is the new condition to collect the extraordinary unemployment subsidy

People who, after becoming unemployed, have exhausted the right to all benefits of a contributory or assistance nature can collect the extraordinary unemployment subsidy. Its beneficiaries are citizens in “total unemployment” provided they meet a series of conditions.

One of them in particular was canceled with the coronavirus pandemic, but it has been recovering in 2021 and that is why the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) reminds it from time to time for the most clueless citizens. The body, , has taken it upon itself to warn again that it is mandatory to carry out an Active Job Search (BAE).

These searches consist of any action contemplated by the public employment services as directed towards the search for a job. In practice, it is about encouraging the search for employment and making it the first option for the beneficiaries of possible benefits before resorting to aid.

The SEPE explains the conditions under which an Active Job Search is accredited:

– Self-employment or self-employment.

-Registration in a placement agency.

-Send resumes to at least three different companies.

-Carrying out a job interview.

-Registration in two public or private employment portals.

-The presentation to a job offer managed by the Public Employment Services.

-Carrying out training or information actions aimed at self-employment and entrepreneurship of the Public Employment Services.

, the SEPE explains that any beneficiary of the extraordinary unemployment subsidy “must accredit before the regional public employment service of their office the performance of active job search actions (BAE)”. Along with this requirement, others of the provision. They are the following:

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-Not having the right to contributory or unemployment assistance coverage.

-Not having previously received the extraordinary unemployment subsidy.

-Do not perform any part-time paid employment or have a contract suspended.

-Not having received the accompanying financial aid from the Employment Activation Program.

-Not having the retirement age that allows access to the contributory or non-contributory pension.

-Do not have incomes higher than 75% of the Minimum Interprofessional Salary. This amount was 712.50 euros per month until August, but it is 723.75 euros per month.

If you meet these requirements, the beneficiary will be able to collect the extraordinary unemployment subsidy. Its amount is 451.92 euros per month (80% of the Public Indicator of Income for Multiple Effects) and can be collected for 180 days.

How many BAE are needed in the Active Insertion Income

An Active Job Search is also required in the case of the Active Insertion Income (RAI). In this case, three BAEs are mandatory, in addition to other requirements: being under 65 years of age, being registered as a job seeker, signing the activity commitment, not having collected the RAI in one year and not having benefited from it three times, in addition of not exceeding income of 75% of the SMI.

In these cases, the amount is also 80% of the Public Indicator of Income for Multiple Effects (451.92 euros per month) and will be received for a period of 11 consecutive months.

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