These will be the new contributions of the self-employed to Social Security when the SMI rises

The increase in the Minimum Interprofessional Wage will be “immediate”, . The increase in the SMI, which can be 15 euros for 2021 and be valid in September or October, has a direct consequence for the self-employed: it will cause an increase in their Social Security contributions.

Actually, it is a rise that had been postponed at the beginning of the year. The 2021 General Budgets already contemplated an increase in the contributions of the self-employed which, due to the pandemic, was first frozen until May 2021 and later indefinitely through the .

In its fourth transitory provision, the document explains that “as long as the increase in the minimum interprofessional wage for the year 2021 is not carried out, the increase in the quotas that the .

This document shows the increases in the fees that will affect the self-employed if the Minimum Interprofessional Wage finally rises. This increase affects the part of the fee for professional contingencies, which goes from 1.1 to 1.3%, and the part of the fee for cessation of activity, which rises from 0.8 to 0.9 %.

These two increases will leave the total quota for the self-employed at 30.6% compared to the current 30.3% that self-employed workers have to pay to Social Security. Fees for common contingencies and professional training remain at 28.3% and 0.1%, respectively.

How many euros will the self-employed quota go up?

The self-employed will notice the impact of this increase in each month’s payment. Everything, as always, will depend on the contribution base they have:

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-For a self-employed person with the minimum base (944.40 euros per month), the increase in their contributions will be about three euros, going from 286 to 289 euros per month.

-For a self-employed person with the maximum base (4,070.10 euros per month), the increase in their quota will be about 12 euros, from 1,233 to 1,245 euros.

These are the increases for the bases that make up the cap, but in the case, for example, of a self-employed person who has a contribution base of 2,000 euros, the increase will be about six euros, going from 606 to 612 euros per month .

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