Twitch Course #5. Brand and profile – .com

In the fifth class of the Twitch Course we are going to personalize the image that we want to transmit to our future audience and reflect our personality and content on our main page.

And it is that in fact, it is the first image that they will have of us when someone accesses our channel. We already saw in the last class how to configure all aspects of our account as creators.

We focus on the visible part of our channel. What users who access our profile will see and that will serve as a cover letter for our content. Go for it!

We already have it! We already know how to customize our header, avatar, configure our presentation panels, and how to upload a video presentation that will act as a trailer for the channel. Everything necessary to capture our personal brand on Twitch.

A good profile is also extremely important to attract potential interested parties for our content. We have to take care of our image as creators in detail, and our Twitch profile is one of the most important elements. And why not say it, it is one of the most fun parts of the process.

As you can see in the final result, it is important to customize the most visible part of our channel. We have seen some free tools that can help us with the creative process. Without having to resort to a specialized designer or invest hours in our design.

We leave you a list of links where you can find very useful free resources to create your brand image. As homework, I encourage you to configure your profile down to the smallest detail. It’s one of the most exciting parts of becoming a streamer. Let’s take our time in outlining every detail and element. We want everything to be perfect.

See also  Timp course - .com

As always, if you have any doubt or question, you can send it through the support form of the subscriber intranet. See you in the next lesson! 🙂

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