Víctor Font (Kave Home): “We want to launch our first stores in Madrid and Barcelona in 2018”

Despite his youth, Víctor Font has developed a very interesting career in recent years, which in 2016 led him to Kave Home, a company belonging to Julià Grup, a Spanish furniture company present in more than 70 countries and with a proven track record. of more than 35 years. With a presence in Spain and Italy, his online store has become a reference in the sector of online furniture and decoration sales, thanks to aspects such as its huge catalog or its shipping conditions. To learn a little more about this company, its business model and its future plans, We have spoken with , Managing Director of Kave Home.

Interview with Víctor Font, Managing Director of Kave Home

You are an international company. Are there big differences in your approach in each market? How are your clients?

Currently Kave Home sells in France, Spain and Italy. We started selling in France two years earlier than in Spain and with an e-commerce approach, without working on the brand or targeting it to a specific market segment. In addition, the profile of the online customer in Spain and France is very different, which has made our customer base quite different in these two markets.

But now that we are working as a brand, directing communication and marketing actions to a specific target, we see that these differences are being diluted. Now our approach is very similar for the three markets in which we operate, always adapting the tone of communication and marketing actions to the culture and customs of each country.

Why do you think they buy in your eCommerce? What is your differential value?

furniture and decoration trend on the web, we launch about 40 new products a week, we have an unbeatable value for money and a service that stands out: shipping in 48 hours, professional advice, free returns, …

Also, Kave Home’s philosophy remains the same since we started selling in France 5 years ago: it is a way of understanding life in which a house is conceived as the extension of the personality of those who inhabit it, a reflection of a lifestyle and tastes and unique experiences.

Is repeat purchase common? How do you work on their loyalty?

What we sell most today are tables and chairs and they are products that are not renewed very often. For this reason we are giving more and more weight to decoration and textiles, whose purchase is impulse and allows us to attract more new customers and improve repeat customers and LTV.

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Today we work on loyalty through cross-selling, but we are working on offering both a special program for VIP clients and a repurchase of Kave Home product in exchange for credit for new purchases.

How do you manage your online marketing? What actions work best for you… and which ones worse?

At the marketing team level, we are divided into three blocks: performance, content and image. Performance leads SEM, , CRO, analytics and marketplaces. It also marks the campaigns to be launched and the pricing strategies. Content, for its part, manages our presence in networks, press, collaborations and our Magazine and the image team is in charge of art direction, photography and graphic design.

In Kave Home we like to try everything and this is the philosophy that works for us. But always being constant in the bets that we believe make sense, even if initially the ROI is not what was expected. In this line It has helped us a lot to create an adhoc attribution model.

On the other hand, one of our big bets is that artists, entrepreneurs and other authors publish original content every week to achieve an absolute immersion of our clients in the brand’s universe.

What perhaps costs us more is to generate real value for the brand through the collaborations with (unlike what happens in fashion, in our sector it is difficult for the product to look at the same level as the influencer).

I imagine that, with such bulky products in stock, the logistics factor is key to the smooth running of the company. How do you manage your logistics? What is the main challenge you have had to overcome in this field?

Yes, in our sector It is common for the logistics costs item to weigh almost as much as the advertising cost. On the other hand, there are very few logistics operators that offer quality express delivery of large parcels at a reasonable cost. Also, returns and assembly are particularly difficult challenges in our industry.

Kave Home is part of Julia Group, a group that has been selling at the B2B level for more than 35 years, with which we take advantage of all its know-how. In any case, one of the great competitive advantages of Kave Home is that we have 90% of the product in stock and that in Spain we deliver most products in 24-48 hours.

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What is your goal for this year?

This 2018 we have marked 3 big goals to double the sales figure again: launch of the new brand image, opening of two new European markets and the opening of our first two stores in Madrid and Barcelona.

Let’s do a bit of futurology, what headline about Kave Home would you like to read in Marketing4eCommerce in a year?

Kave Home: the new success story of pure player lands in retail with the best experience store in the country.

And a little more difficult: How do you imagine eCommerce will evolve between now and 2020? How will consumption patterns, technologies, etc. change?

As for the future of ecommerce and commerce in general, I see two main lines: experiential product and commodity.

The Amazon and they are in a battle to commoditize as many products and categories as possible in order to outperform any competitor with their superior offering and logistics. Its strategy is to focus the experience on service and price.

On the contrary, brands need more than ever to tell stories and sell experiencesadapt and continue selling those experiences through the means to which the Big4 or Big6 are going to take us: purchase by voice, augmented reality… and at the same time have a service not much inferior to the standard set by Amazon.

In terms of emerging technology, from what I talk, read and see the augmented reality It is gaining a lot of strength, although it is not making as much noise as virtual reality. I believe augmented reality much more, since the cost of change is minimal. Proof of this is that we are already using apps and websites with AR without realizing it. At Kave Home we are working to adapt all our assets and soon be able to create experiences in AR.

We have already commented on purchases by voice, but I think they will be especially strong for commoditized products, and the AI applied to chatbots I think it has to gain a lot of strength at a higher speed than we think.

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lastly for me the great revolution that we will experience is in logistics. Last mile costs are unsustainable for most ecommerce (including Amazon) and I think that autonomous vehicles are going to enter with great force when ethical and regulatory issues are resolved.

quick quiz

  • What is the first social network you open in the day? Strava when I’m fit and Waze to drive to Sils, where the Kave Home headquarters are located.
  • iOS or Android? iOS
  • App or website? For web eCommerce, although every week I try to download an app recommended by Product Hunt to try.
  • In which eCommerce and how long ago did you make your last online purchase? Kavehome.com doesn’t count, does it? Snowinn (TradeInn) last night.
  • And it was? New pants for ski touring.
  • Last book read? (worth ebooks) Hacking growth by Sean Ellis from Business and Norwegian Wood by Murakami in fiction.
  • Recommend us a fiction series. I just unsubscribed from Netflix… there is no time for everything! And I prefer a good documentary or cinema to series; I’m sorry!
  • What website have you come across lately that has surprised you for the better? I recommend a webapp that I discovered last year: Station; I have Evernote, Teams, Slack, Trello, ToDoist, whatsapp, Gmail, GA, Medium, Maps, Twitter… all integrated in a single app.
  • What is your favorite thing to do that has nothing to do with digital? Go to the mountains to run, walk or do mountain skiing.
  • Let’s spin a magic chain: Which acquaintance of yours do you think we should interview? Why? Rafa Díez to talk to you about SEO applied to voice searches.

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