This is how Amazon International Shopping works, the service of the online giant to make it easier for you to buy in its United States store

The digital age has completely transformed the way consumers search for and purchase products. Without a doubt, it is on the rise and the giant wants to make it easier for consumers from anywhere in the world acquire the products of its catalog in the United States with his Amazon International Shopping.

If you have ever searched for a particular item on Amazon, and you have found it! but unfortunately it is in the United States store and it does not have shipping to Spain, you can forget about it, since from now on Amazon International Shopping will make everything much easier.

Amazon’s new service makes it easier to buy and search for items from the United States

The retail giant its new international shopping experience, Amazon International Shopping, with which consumers from over a hundred countries around the world will be able to acquire «over 45 million items» that can be shipped from the United States.

Amazon International Shopping is designed to be used from mobile devices: the option will only be displayed from the Amazon app, which is available for users of operating systems and .

Purchases through this system will show the wide catalog of products available for international shipping in 5 languageswhich include Spanish, Chinese, German and Portuguese, in addition to giving the option of being able to acquire them in 25 different types of coins.

One point that needs to be clarified is that if you are a member of Amazon Prime in Spain, it cannot be used for shipments from Amazon International Shopping, but you can choose between different shipping and delivery options and costs, depending on how fast you want your package to arrive.

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How to use Amazon International Shopping

The first thing you have to do is download and install the free app Amazon Shopping. If you already have it installed, all you have to do is access the settings within the application, choose the option “country and language” and select “International shopping” inside option “country”.

Once this is done, you will be able to choose Spain or any other country as the destination for your purchases made in Amazon International Shopping, in addition to the preferred language and the currency in which you want the prices to be displayed.

In addition to shipping costs, this new Amazon platform also includes the tax and customs estimates thus avoiding surprises at the time of purchase or delivery. There are products in all categories including electronic devices, books, fashion, toys and more.

no doubt this opens up even more options for consumers who are looking for new options and a broader and easier-to-use catalog with Amazon International Shopping, but it is also true that this new service could in the long run harm Spanish SMEs that make their online sales from Amazon Spain since the purchase options will be extended to the United States and that in many cases they can offer more affordable prices.


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