Web positioning and the 16 SEO strategies that never fail

Surely you have ever wondered what web positioning is (SEO positioning or, simply, SEO) and why it can be important for your internet business. This article is going to be your ally to master the subject.

What is web positioning?

SEO (from the English Search Engine Optimization) is an online marketing action that is used not only for your store, but also to make consumers find you at the right time. How? Precisely, with web positioning.

Through the , you will be better positioned (higher in the search results) when a potential client enters a keyword related to your business in a search engine, for example, in Google.

In this way, you will gain more exposure on the internet and the chances that people looking for your product will become visits to your site will increase. This type of strategy is key for e-commerce special dates like and!

The SEO positioning strategy for your online store works like this:

More traffic = More customers = More sales

Now let’s go a little further: have you ever heard that content is king? This means that good content is going to be the one that makes you win the position battle in the search results and, therefore, the one that ends up generating the most traffic to your site.

? Not only the one that is creative and original, but also the one that is optimized to favor its SEO positioning in search engines.

💡 Important fact! By content we don’t just mean text, but any element that is included on your page, such as images, videos, or any other resource you use.

Why is it important to improve SEO positioning?

With technological advances, search engines have become the windows that make it possible for users to find what virtual businesses offer. Here lies the relevance of web positioning and why it makes sense to invest time and effort in this.

Google will always show first those results that best meet the needs of users. The goal of SEO is to make it easy for Googlebots to crawl and make the site stand out as the best option available on the web.

That is why web positioning is one of the best tools for brands, since it allows them to reach their customers at the ideal time (when they are looking for a certain product or service).

The better the position of your store in Google, the more likely it is that users will click, the more visits you will receive and, therefore, the greater the sales of your business, without the need to invest in paid advertising.

Now that you know what SEO is and why it is important to grow your business, we share 16 essential tips to keep in mind when implementing it in your online store.

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Web positioning: SEO on-page and SEO off-page

The actions to improve the positioning of a website can be done within the website itself or outside of it. Both must be taken into account when it comes to searching to appear first in Google.

Creating quality content and having an SEO-optimized website is only half the way, as on-page actions alone do not guarantee results.

To improve the authority of your site, off-page SEO strategies will be necessary to improve the visibility of your site and make it stand out as unique and relevant in its category.

So, in relation to SEO positioning, we are going to see the two types of tactics that we can implement.

On-page SEO actions

  • Focus on keywords
  • Respond to search intent
  • Achieve attractive writing
  • Create a winning domain
  • Pay attention to the names of your products and categories
  • Use description meta tags
  • By including images, make them accessible
  • Link your internal pages

Off-page SEO actions

  • Create a clear and orderly web structure and architecture
  • Get quality links
  • Optimize loading speed
  • Guest blogging
  • Test SEO on YouTube
  • Build a good social media strategy
  • Create stunning infographics
  • Participate in forums and blogs in your field

Let’s see how to implement each one.

16 web positioning keys

On-page SEO Off-page SEO Focus on keywords Create a clear and orderly web structure and architecture Respond to search intent Obtain quality links Achieve attractive writing Optimize loading speed Create a winning domain Guest blogging Lend pay attention to your product and category names Test SEO on YouTube Use description meta tags Create a good social media strategy By including images, make them accessible Create impressive infographics Link to your internal pages Participate in forums and blogs in your field

We are going to start with everything you can do internally to achieve better web positioning. Let’s delve into the on-page SEO strategies that we name and they will bring you results.

1) Focus on keywords

Keywords are those that inform search engines (Google, Bing, etc.) about what your website is about. To find the best keywords for your e-commerce, you are going to need to do a bit of research.

For that we recommend you use the , where you will discover the volume of searches for each keyword related to your business and the level of competition that each of them has.

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What you have to do is identify the words with which your potential clients would search for you and, if possible, those that do not have too much competition.

Do we do the test? Suppose you sell women’s leather shoes. Look at the results that the Google Keyword Planner throws up:

The tool tells us that the term “leather shoes” is more popular in terms of monthly searches than “women’s leather shoes”.

So even if your product is specifically for women, it may be wise to choose the option that doesn’t specify gender as your keyword. In this way, you have more chances to generate more visits to your site and, therefore, more sales.

However, even if the main keyword is the one with the highest volume, that does not mean that you cannot use the one with the lowest volume as a secondary one throughout the page.

Using them, for example, in the product description, is considered a good SEO practice; since search engines identify semantic similarities and algorithms conclude that the same topic is being discussed.

It is clear that applying only keywords on your site is not enough for an excellent SEO strategy but, combined with the tips that follow, your e-commerce will surely achieve the first positions in the search engine results.

Learn more about keywords:


2) Respond to search intent

The search intention in SEO refers to the purpose with which the user enters certain keywords in Google, for example. That is, it’s about the result you expect to find and the kind of action you’re going to take with the content.

There are 4 types of search intent:

  1. Informational: the user needs data, general information, descriptions or definitions of terms. For example, “pumpkin recipes”.
  2. Navigational: searching for a particular site or brand, such as “pinterest”.
  3. Transactional: The goal is to make a purchase and you are looking for brands and to convert. A case could be “sneakers” or, more specifically, “salomon xr shift shoes”.
  4. Commercial: it is an investigation for a purchase or hiring that does not want to be done immediately, but soon, such as “the best sports shoes”.

If you have heard of the , you will know that it is related to this topic. The idea is to understand what stage the user is in to offer the best-oriented content at that moment and obtain consistent results.

For example, if we are creating content with informational search intent, the goal of improving web positioning is surely to increase traffic. On the other hand, if it is transactional, the goal will be to get more sales or .

3) Achieve attractive writing

“This sentence has five words. Here are five more words. Sentences like these are fine. But many meetings become monotonous. Listen to what’s going on. Writing gets boring. The sound becomes buzzing. It’s like a stuck record. The ear demands some variation.

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Now listen. He changed the length of the sentence, and created music. Music. The writing sings. It has a nice rhythm, a cadence, a harmony. I use short sentences. And I use medium length sentences.

And sometimes, when I am sure the reader is rested, I will entice him with a sentence of considerable length, a sentence that burns with energy and builds with all the momentum of a crescendo, the sound of drums, the crash of the cymbals
.sounds like he’s saying listen to this, it’s important” – Gary Provost.

Achieving engaging writing is critical to optimizing your website and achieving a . Therefore, avoiding repetitions and overdoing the use of your keywords are two good practices when writing content.

Use your creativity when thinking and adapting them to positioning strategies.

In addition, it is important that you find , on the other (although they are related, of course).

This means that you have to focus on offering relevant content for those who enter your site and, in addition, try to adapt it to the needs of search engines by writing clear titles, looking for synonyms to avoid repetitions, using keywords, for example.

If you manage to please the search engines, you will get visits. And if you also manage to catch the attention of visitors, you will win customers.

4) Create a winning domain

What you have to take into account when creating your domain (or URL) is that it contains keywords that users would search for to find products like yours.

For example, if your brand is called Josefina RĂșa and you sell women’s shoes, a good domain could be josefinaruazapatos.com.ar or josefinaruashoes.com.ar, for example, instead of josefinarua.com.ar, which is not related to your product itself.

In this way, your potential customers and search engines will understand what your page is about just by looking at the domain.

💡 Tip: a good domain will be one that is short, descriptive and easy to read.

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5) Pay attention to the names of your products and categories

When naming your products or categories, you have to consider how your potential customer would search for that item.

Continuing with the example of the…

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