Web traffic: what it is and how to take it to your online store

You finally decided to create your online store and, after organizing your stock, uploading products and perfecting the design, you know that it is time to “open the curtain” to the virtual public to start increase website traffic and thus, attract potential customers.

Just as a physical store depends on the movement in the area in which it is located, the displays and the famous “word of mouth” to attract new customers, an online store has different “doors” (that is, sources of web traffic ) through which the public can enter to watch.

In the physical world, there are marketing strategies and tricks to attract customers, which include everything from the arrangement of products and the colors of the store, to music to attract customers. So it’s natural to wonder How to generate traffic in an online store?

Let’s start by defining what web traffic is and why it is important to your business.

What is web traffic?

It is known as web traffic to users who visit a website, blog or, in this case, an online store. There are different ways in which users can access a site and generate traffic, below we will share the main ones:

Types of web traffic


It refers to the traffic that arrives naturally, either after having made a search in Google or any other search engine. SEO is an excellent tool to increase the organic traffic of a web page. Later we will tell you what it is and how you can take advantage of it in your online store.


Unlike organic traffic, direct traffic is generated when a user types the site URL in their browser, without going through a search engine or another website. Brand awareness, branding and a simple URL to remember are key factors in increasing direct traffic to a website.


We have already seen two ways in which you can get free web traffic in your e-commerce, but, you can also buy traffic! Paid or paid traffic is generated by investing in advertising, either on social networks or on platforms such as Google Ads.

Unlike the two previous types of traffic, with paid traffic you will be able to obtain much faster results and you will have more control over the profile of the users that will reach your website.


Referred traffic, also called referral traffic, is traffic that arrives from other websites such as blogs, directories, digital magazines and any other page that is not a search engine. Then we will share some examples of strategies and collaborations that you can implement to increase this type of web traffic.


As its name says, social traffic comes from social platforms like Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Currently, this is one of the main sources of traffic for many brands, hence the importance of having a solid and well-targeted social media strategy the audience you want to captivate.

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You guessed it! This type of traffic is generated when a user visits your website from a link they received in their email. The e-mail marketing is the star strategy to obtain visits from this channel; keep reading and you will discover what it consists of.

other channels

We already mentioned some of the main sources from which visits to a website can come, but they are not the only ones. The forums, groups and notifications pushare some examples of other sources of traffic.

Well, now that you know what web traffic is and what types of traffic exist, here we are going to share some strategies to generate more quality traffic in your online store.

As you will see, we divide this article into three main groups: free, paid and collaboration strategies, so you will surely find more than one that suits what you need. 😉

Increase web traffic for free

1. Increase your presence with SEO

According to a study carried out by , the site that is in the first position of Google receives twice as many clicks as the second, while the others have less than 7% of the clicks.

So if you want to attract customers, It is essential to be well positioned in Google.

One of the main ways to do this is by working on the SEO of your site. Search Engine Optimization It is a set of strategies that optimize your content so that you appear in the first positions of search engines.

A simple URL, the page load speed, the use of keywords (keywords), image optimization, and content quality are some of the factors that Google looks at before ranking your site. So, these are issues that you should pay attention to, both when producing an article (if you have a blog) and when uploading new products to your catalogue.

If you have a Tiendanube, you can customize the titles, descriptions, URLs and the alternative text of the images, in order to improve the SEO of each product. Learn in your store.

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💡Type: a fast and well built website, at a technical level, is essential to improve search engine positioning. If you don’t know how to get it, go to a professional for advice.

2. Trust email marketing

To start applying an e-mail marketing strategy, it is essential that you invest time in ordering your database (no matter how small it is). Then make sure that anyone who visits your store has the possibility to leave their data (through a banner or a short form, for example), so that it becomes part of your exclusive newsletter. 📧

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It is very important to take into account some keys for your e-mail marketing strategy to work right:

  1. Choose an attractive title that does not seem misleading.
  2. That the content of the e-mail is useful and valuable for the reader.
  3. That includes a CTA (call to action) so that the reader knows what to do with this information they received.

Finally, establishes a periodicity for its sending and surprise your customers and subscribers —at least once a month— with an e-mail full of news and interesting content. To produce them, you can use tools like or .

💡 Type: Write short descriptions and use attractive photos in your newsletters, so that the recipient can quickly understand the content.

3. Create a blog

In addition to improving your search engine rankings, a blog is the perfect resource to tell the story of the brand and show its qualities.

One of the main advantages of a blog is that in it you can create your own community of readers and followers who, in the near future, will surely become consumers of your products.

In addition to helping you increase sales, an updated and well-planned blog will position your brand and differentiate you from the competition.

An example is the Tiendanube, which has a blog of opinion and dissemination of content with a gender perspective.

4. Use your social networks

Social networks allow, like the blog, to have a greater closeness with your public, in addition to ensuring immediate and even more direct feedback.

Strive to create different posts for each of the social networks in which your brand has a presence, so that the content does not become repetitive and boring.

For example, Instagram is a very visual network with ephemeral contentso when you use it, post everyday scenes from your store, inspirational quotes, and photos of customers receiving your products.

You can also write posts related to market trends. Sell ​​the concept of the brand through attractive publications for your audience: if it is oriented to baby items, do not publish only the products; create or share content about motherhood and tips that can help new moms.

Strengthen the link with your followers and take advantage, whenever possible, to share links to your store. In this way, you will create opportunities to make more exchanges related to your business and, consequently, your views, traffic and sales will grow.

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The remarketing it is one that consists of re-impacting someone who, for some reason, came to your site or interacted with the content, but did not buy anything. With this action, you have the opportunity to try to attract that customer to your online store.

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There are several ways to do remarketing, for example, through the Facebook Pixel or Google Ads, two tools that monitor user actions within platforms and websites.

6. Bet on m-commerce

Did you know that the smartphone is the favorite device of Mexicans to make purchases on the Internet?

The data comes from the Online Sales Study 2021 of the and shows why you should ensure that your online store is displayed correctly and you can buy it from any device.

With a responsive design, you can take advantage of the trend of m commerce (mobile commerce) and attract many new customers.

Increase web traffic with paid strategies

1. Google Ads

Created in the early 2000s, Google Ads is Google’s advertising platform par excellence. Unlike others, this platform is divided between the search network and the display.

What is the difference? The search network is made up of Google search sites (such as Google Chrome) and other partners (such as AOL). On the other hand, the network display includes the more than two million websites, videos and applications linked to Google where your ads can appear (for example, YouTube). In other words, a world of possibilities!

Also, with Google Ads and publish them on any of these sites or search engines. By the way, you are only going to pay for each click you get.

The great advantage of Google Ads, compared to other paid digital marketing tools, is its reach, basically, any internet user in the world uses Google every day. This represents a great sales opportunity… daily!

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2.Facebook ads

Facebook Ads is a tool that allows you to create advertisements within the social network to promote your business, reaching the right people, capturing their attention and obtaining good results.

Your ads are set up through Ads Manager, which features:

  • Segmentation filters: Facebook Ads targeting filters are (super) customizable and powerful! They allow you to filter users according to their interests, demographics, location, behaviors, etc. Remember that when it comes to online advertising, the important thing is not only the number of people, but the quality of the public you are reaching.
  • Multiple ad formats: image, carousel, presentations, video… the advertising options offered by Facebook are very varied. There will always be one that matches your business.

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