What are featured snippets?

Reaching a privileged position in Google results pages, such as “position zero”, is the dream of any SEO professional.

But to conquer the top of the seekers it is necessary to master both the concept and the types of featured snippets (featured snippets) exist, and that’s what we’re going to talk about in this article.

These featured snippets that Google implemented some time ago, served (and serve) to democratize the positioning in your search enginethat is, any page, blog or ecommerce has a real chance to show up firstright before the eyes of users.

We invite you to read this post so you can learn what the featured snippets and how they can boost the SEO of your online store, a fundamental part of the strategy of of your ecommerce.

Let’s get started!

What are the featured snippets and what are they for?

Also called “answer boxes”, they are precisely that: tables with concepts, lists, recipes and other information related to the entered in the browser by the user.

For example, if a person searches Google for the term “travel blog”, the result will be this:

The featured snippets were born as an initiative of Google of optimize the user experience by providing you with relevant information about your searchwithout having to go to the website in question to get a response.

From the point of view of who publishes this information, it serves as a way of show up at the top of organic results pages to get more clicks, conversions and sales, if applicable.

Nevertheless, Google did not disclose to the public the criteria it uses to select content that will go inside the box. But we do know something: only 30% of them come from the top organic position, according to .

That is, 70% of the featured snippets they are based on data from pages of other positions. A golden opportunity!

What are the characteristics of featured snippets?

So, in the same way that the featured snippets can allow you to reach the top of the search results, there are certain characteristics that your content must have in order to be considered as snippets.

The main ones are:

  • Contain short paragraphs, no longer than 60 words, with a high degree of simplicity to facilitate understanding;
  • be direct, that is, go to the point;
  • follow the rules of semantics;
  • respond on a very specific topic;
  • submit a title containing the keyword (keyword);
  • Ideally, include a question such as how, when, what, who, where (the featured snippets are more common when keyword contains some of these words).
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These features will help you understand what elements you have to pay attention to so that Google considers your content as a relevant answer on a particular topic.

What kind of feature snippets exist?

exist 4 different types of answer boxes that Google shows in its results. According to the type of content and the search carried out by the user, they can be presented as:


The featured snippetsfor the most part, are shown in the form of paragraphs, responding to a specific concept or providing a specific definition.

They are usually triggered (although not exclusively) after using prepositions in the form of a question. How to do, what is it, who is it, whereamong others.

However, it is not the only way, because when it comes to the featured snippets there is no 100% guaranteed rule.

Also, these answer boxes can appear next to representative images of the content in question.


Lists are the second most common way for Google to display featured snippets. These lists appear when keyword indicates search for a recipe, rankings, step by step or a list of the best things about something (sports teams, music bands, hotels, restaurants, among others). For example:


It is also possible that you have come across a YouTube video in the first position when doing a Google search.

This type of featured snippet it does not provide traffic to a website, but it does increase the visibility of a video on the YouTube platform.

If, for example, the user searches for “what is ecommerce”, the results in video format are:


The last type of featured snippet that Google can present to users is a table where a comparison is made, either from:

  • Prices
  • Quality
  • Sales
  • Movie and theater showtimes
  • Etc.

They are usually accompanied by an image of the product, service or event in question and a table with columns and lines with the main characteristics that are relevant for the comparison.

For brands that sell online, it is key to reach these boxes as this allows the competitive advantages of their products are exposedsuch as price and cost-benefit ratio.

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Imagine if your product page gains this visibility, you can already conquer your potential customers before they enter your store! The chances of conversion, without a doubt, increase significantly.

Why are feature snippets worth reaching for?

In this section of the article we are going to tell you about the 5 benefits that the featured snippets to an e-commerce. Let us begin.

1. Democratization of positioning

We already mentioned it above, but it is important to reinforce it.

One of the maximum benefits offered by featured snippets is that They allow any page, blog or ecommerce to compete with internet giants.

In the case of a virtual store, competing with Amazon, Mercado Libre and others, in the past was almost impossible.

However, thanks to this functionality, any ecommerce that has, yes, with it can scale to position zero when a user is inquiring about a specific product or service.

This, in turn, has multiple possible economic advantages for the business, such as:

  • Greater number of visits in the store (we see it in detail below);
  • higher chances of converting users to customers;
  • fixation of the brand in the minds of users.

2. Gain authority

Internet users perceive quality and security when a page is located at the top of the results: conquering a response box is like having a Google’s endorsement that your site has the best response or product the internet can offer.

Also, if your ecommerce is new or still little known and you are looking to achieve notoriety in a market as competitive as e-commerce, it is essential that your page gain prestige and respect among users and your own competitors. So, optimizing it to appear in a featured snippet may be the best option.

3. Get a jump on Google results pages

Climbing organic positions in the SERPs (search results pages, in Spanish) can be a time-consuming job to execute perfectly.

The featured snippets offer the possibility of reaching the top no matter where your site is found organically.

We are not going to say that it is an “easy” way to do it, because everything related to SEO requires analysis, management and strategy. But we can say that it is the fastest way for you to conquer position zero.

4. Increase your organic traffic

For internet users, if you are not on the first page of results, you simply do not exist. Who searches on the second page of Google?

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Being inside an answer box, right in front of the user’s eyes, will allow the organic traffic of your page increases.

The possibility of receive more clicks on your products or servicesit will increase according to how much presence you can gain within the top of the SERPs.

And you know, the more users know about your articles, the more chances your billing has to increase!

5. Give scope to your competitive advantages

Perhaps this is one of the elements that can bring the most benefit to a featured snippet to an e-commerce.

The differentiating effect of your business is what separates you from the competition, and the value proposition that you offer to your customers so that they choose you About the others. But, on the internet, it can be difficult to show those features to the public.

Reaching position zero, your online store will gain exposure and, with it, scope, that is, the number of people who are now going to see you as a valid option to solve some of their needs.

In addition, knowing your competitive advantages, this audience will be able to influence more users about their purchase decisions, which, in the end, is the purpose of every business: reach many people and generate billing.

In conclusion

The featured snippets they are a democratic, fair, attractive and beneficial element that Google made available to all brands to gain notoriety on the Internet and impact thousands of users who are looking for the options, information, products or services that you offer.

You need to determine what kind of featured snippet can maximize the reach of your content and which one can produce the highest profits, both from sales, conversions and views of your company.

You are now ready to direct your content and marketing strategies towards conquering the top of the search engines! And reach all those people who need the solutions that your ecommerce can offer them.

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