7 keys to influence customer behavior

or : all these are issues of the so-called Consumer Psychology.

The reality is that said psychology has become an indispensable tool to apply different strategies to influence consumer behavior that, subsequently, will guide your purchase decision.

So that you can get the most out of this discipline, we tell you what are the 7 keys that you should implement in your business strategy. 🙂

1) Status: a matter of aspiration

psychologically speaking, consumers buy products or services from important brands (that is, well positioned in the market) because they aspire to raise their position within the social scale.

This means that they seek to be recognized and, in some way, stand out among their peers for the brands they consume.

Why does this become a marketing strategy? Because knowing more about your target audience and detecting what their aspirations are, you will be able to create a product that is more adapted to their needs and, consequently, influence their purchase decision.

For example, if you discover that your audience is interested in caring for the environment and reusing materials, you can do like the one that sells backpacks made from disused paragliding fabric:

2) Cultural values: the society behind our consumption

Each social group shares certain general beliefs (which are cultural values) about certain products that they consumeand these values ​​are spread mainly through family, friends, school and the media.

It is very important to know them when defining your because they will indicate towards which target it suits you, in commercial terms, to point your product and thus start your business on a firmer footing.

Once you’ve defined it, you can implement it, such as:

  • Social media campaigns where your followers recommend your brand to a friend. In this case, it could be in contest format.
  • 2Ă—1 style promotions, where your consumers can make a purchase in your ecommerce together with a friend and pay less.
  • Campaigns where users see that their Instagram and Facebook contacts like your page.
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3) Anchor: the first impression is the one that counts

What is this strategy of influencing consumer behavior about? Very easy: the customer makes his purchase decision based on the first information he receives. This means that if, for example, the price of your product is usually $3,000 and you reduce it to $2,000 because it is on sale, your consumer will immediately perceive it and it will seem like a great offer.

For this to work, the most important thing is that you highlight the starting price and the discounted price. Also, if you have an online store, you can add a label that says “Offer”, “Opportunity”, “Discount”, “Promo” or any other word that draw your customer’s attention and lead him to the purchase.

We share the example of:

4) Search for belonging: the influence of leaders

Linked to the first point, products and services are consumed not only to satisfy basic needs but also, and in psychological terms, to belong. Belong to what? to a certain social group.

To carry out this strategy, it is advisable to associate your brand with a celebrity from entertainment, sports or any other field to which your product or service belongs. You can even associate it with some opinion leaders or people who are capable of creating guidelines to follow.

In the particular case of social networks, we can talk about , which are those that set trends and fashions.

Either way, the goal is your consumer feels identified with that figure and relates it to your brand. Thus, you will achieve greater positioning and engagement with the.

For example, he chose model and actress Eugenia “China” Suárez as his brand image for his latest collection. What did you take into account for the choice? We bet it was her target audience.

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5) The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon: our brain chooses

What is this phenomenon about? When we learn or find out about something new, it is very likely that we will start seeing or hearing it in different places. Why? Before I did not know of its existence and now I find it everywhere?

Yes, and this explains why our brain has a predilection for patterns, that is, it prioritizes what it already knows and discards what it does not.

And how does this translate in terms of marketing? Once your potential consumer finds out about the existence of your brand (by actions in different online media – blog, website, social networks, etc.-) the next step is “to keep seeing you”.

And, to achieve this, an effective practice is to do remarketingnamely, send emails or create ads (all personalized) based on user behavior in your online store.

Let’s take a concrete example: if a user is making a purchase on your ecommerce and, at the time of paying, leaves the page, you can send them an email to offer them the product they already had in their shopping cart again. This will increase your chance of conversion.

6) Loss aversion: is it better not to win than to lose?

As its word indicates, loss aversion is related to People’s fear of losing something they already have.

This behavior then becomes a strategy of influencing consumer behavior. How? For example, suppose that in your ecommerce you sell video games. What you can do is offer a free version of the game that your client chooses for 30 days and, after this time, you offer him the paid version. Will you want to lose what you have already won? 🙂

7) Memory inhibition: the details are (not) relevant

This theory indicates that people tend to remember the main points of a speech but not the specific details.

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How can this affect your business? In various aspects, and one of the most important is the blog content.

It is estimated that more than half of blog visitors spend less than 15 seconds on it. So how do you get them to stay longer? How to get them to remember you?

The first piece of advice we can give you is to work well with the title of each post: it must be . Thus, when your visitor needs information about it, he will remember him and will look for you.

In the case of a Online store, for example, we emphasize the name of the products: it is very (very) important that their name appears and not their internal code, because this makes it difficult for your consumer to remember the product. On the other hand, if you add the name detail, you can find it both in the Google search engine and within your ecommerce more easily.


Knowing the basic needs of human beings and the key principles of social behavior help us to understand them already. work in terms of marketing more accurately.

Thanks to them, you will not only be able to make very good decisions for your business based on that information, but also better relate to your consumers, influence their behavior and, in the end, improve your business results.

Remember that you can also increase your sales by creating your online store. Try Tiendanube free for 30 days and start .

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