What is a logistics center: keys to an essential structure for the growth of eCommerce – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

Logistics has always been a relevant aspect in the structure of any business, but with the growth of eCommerce this importance increased. In this way, logistics, which includes: transport, storage and product management, is now a priority for business. In addition, the new consumer culture and business trends driven by digitization have demanded greater innovation and streamlining in logistics centers.

Based on this, logistics centers have become the backbone of current businesses, whether they are internal or companies that provide this type of service.

What are logistics centers

Logistics centers, as we mentioned, are part of the logistics infrastructure who is in charge of the reception, storage and management of merchandise transport. The general function of a logistics center is to offer the space, personnel and tools necessary for the company to function efficiently in aspects related to the handling of merchandise.

In addition, the logistics centers carry out a control and coordination task for the management of orders and the correct fulfillment of the times and quality standards of these, in addition to guaranteeing the stock of the products by keeping track of the entire supply chain. In some cases, logistics centers also carry out packing tasks.

It is important to note that these types of facilities are not comparable to warehouses. In addition to the differences in the management of the traffic of the goods from their origin to the final customer, the times of permanence in a logistics center are much shorter. The idea is that the logistics center is a place of passage, while in a warehouse the products can remain in inventory for months (or years).

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Although its functions are generally the same, they vary depending on the type of center and the company it serves. These are some of the different types of logistics centers that we can find.

CIM or Integrated Merchandise Center

These centers are responsible for providing goods distribution and transport services to the different members of a supply chain, whether for suppliers, other logistics operators or end customers, all by means of land transport. For this reason, it is common to find this type of center near cities, on their outskirts, to optimize their management.

logistics platforms

The logistics platforms These are the areas that are fully in charge of the operational aspect, that is, transportation, storage and dispatch. Therefore, no additional manipulation of the products is carried out in its facilities, such as the revision or repair of the merchandise, or its manufacturing. These types of centers are the closest to consumers, and those that adapt to the most general and vague idea of ​​a logistics center.

Logistics Hub

The logistics hub it is what we could call the core of the distribution process. These generally have a large extension and include within this space a series of basic structures that help complement the different procedures carried out in the center. It functions as the operational base of land transport, serving as a bridge between the different logistics platforms or CIMwhich will then be dispatched to suppliers and final consumers.

Logistics Activity Zone and Terminals

The logistics activity zones or ZALrefers to the centers located in the vicinity of the ports, both sea and river. They occupy large tracts of land that play the role of intermediaries between the different means of transport and the process of importing or exporting merchandise. In other words, they work as the epicenter of the distribution process of merchandise arriving by sea, which is one of the most used for importing products.

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On the other hand, the terminals are the centers, whether port or airport, whose purpose is the reception and handling of merchandise. In this way, we could see this type of center as the warehouses or ports that serve as the final destination in the air or sea journey of the merchandise.

Why are logistics centers so important?

As we mentioned at the beginning, the control and transfer of merchandise has shown exponential growth thanks to the rise of electronic commerce. Well, now more than ever it is important to carry out an agile and efficient management in the different aspects related to these centers to achieve an improved shopping experience that is more appropriate to the current demands of consumers.

Therefore, logistics centers today make up an essential structure for any company or eCommerce. For this reason, it is also convenient for companies to have their own logistics centers and structures. Such is the case of and other great references of eCommerce, who are in charge of managing their shipments, and even provide logistics services, since this allows them to maintain greater control over the entire distribution process.

However, building a complete logistics structure involves a large investment and can be a complicated process. It is for this reason that there are companies that provide this type of logistics services, as is the case of, a Spanish company born in 2006 and which has extensive coverage throughout the entire Spanish territory.

Thus, it has logistics solutions designed to help businesses maintain efficient handling of their products. This includes a complete warehouse logistics service, handling of returns, management of massive and recurring orders, picking, packing and reverse logistics, as well as personalized handling of packages according to brand specifications, from colors to specific packaging. On the other hand, in the field of transport they stand out for having a solid network of collaborating agencies integrated with their own technology.

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Celerite Points

One of the most outstanding services of the company are the Celeritas points, which are associated businesses where you can pick up orders. This offers greater convenience in last mile service for those consumers who do not want home delivery. In the same way, it provides transportation solutions, aimed at both B2B and B2C businesses, since they provide transportation at the national level, home deliveries with different modalities and total tracking of the shipment during the distribution process.

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