What is ambition and how can it be positive: find out!

For , whether personal or professional, you have to have ambition. After all, fighting for your goals is essential to achieve concrete results.

However, it happens that many people confuse ambition with greed, mainly because they do not clearly understand what ambition is.

It turns out that these two concepts are very different. While ambition is the willingness to face challenges and grow, greed is the desire to have more than is necessary.

To be a good professional and gain a prominent position in the market, a little ambition is necessary, since it drives us to achieve our dreams and awakens the desire to go further each day on our journey.

If you still have doubts about what ambition is, in this post we are going to show you what ambition is and its importance for entrepreneurs.

What is ambition?

Ambition is related to our feelings, emotions and desires. It is about the energy necessary to make dreams come true, whether in the personal, social or professional field.

An ambitious person is one who tries to overcome challenges and implement strategies to grow.

In the professional field, it is always desirable to have a little ambition. At the end of the day, the more motivated a person is, the more likely they are to perform, since they have a goal to achieve.

To be ambitious is to cultivate a great desire for transformation and realization of projects. Plans and strategies are created in pursuit of a life goal, whether personal, such as achieving a career, or professional, such as opening a business.

Therefore, saying that a person is ambitious does not imply that they are bad, although it does not mean that they are good either.

The secret is in the amount of ambition each one has. When ambition is excessive, it becomes greed, two concepts often confused by common sense. Ambition, when tempered, is the perfect ingredient for success.

Ultimately, ambition translates into self-esteem, a belief in individual potential and the ability to win. When we have ambition, we manage to fully exploit our potential.

But not all ambition leads to profitable paths.

To be really useful, the person must strategize without neglecting ethics. Going over other people is not the . On the contrary, that tends to lead to failure.

Using lies, cheating, blackmail and other tricks to get to the top is the mark of a selfish and greedy person. Honesty must always be present, not being incompatible with ambition.

What is greed?

But what would be the difference between ambition and greed?

As a popular saying goes, the difference between medicine and poison is the dose.

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Greed represents the desire to have more than you can have or bear. That is, a greedy person is one who is never happy with his achievements.

She incessantly seeks to reach a higher level, career and salary than what she already has, which means that the person is never satisfied with her achievements. That is why greed must be avoided, because it prevents people from achieving happiness.

Also, greedy people are always thinking how to bring down their fellow man to conquer what they yearn for. Not even the closest friends are saved from this attitude, because, in the thinking of the greedy, everything is valid to achieve success.

The greedy often use others as a means to a certain end. They do not recognize the value of people, nor their personalities.

That is why it is important to give it attention and not let your ambition turn into greed.

Has it become clear, then, the difference between ambition and greed?

In the professional market, especially in the world of entrepreneurship, ambition is desirable, while greed is reprehensible.

Is ambition good or bad?

In the end, is being ambitious good or bad?

Contrary to what many people think, having ambition is not a negative characteristic, much less an insult. This happens because it is common for us to associate ambition with greed.

In the media, this confusion is even more common. It is evidenced through various greedy characters, who do not measure efforts to achieve what they want and are presented as ambitious people.

The truth is that ambition, as we have already explained, can be very positive and help us pursue our goals and stay motivated.

Of course, when you have it in excess, ambition can be harmful and even turn into greed. Like everything in life, the important thing is to maintain balance.

Why is it important to have ambition?

Without the desire to win, to grow, to qualify, to achieve better results – characteristics of a person who has ambition – the result is inertia. The desire for change is what leads to great transformations.

That is why ambition is important in various areas of life, including work, personal life and even living with friends.

Ambitious people manage to see the big picture, identify flaws and implement strategies to improve what needs new proposals and solutions.

It can be said that ambition translates into the desire to achieve the best. That is why the concept of ambition must be analyzed from the personal point of view.

Each one has their own parameters of success, happiness and fulfillment, everything will depend on their perspectives and ideal of happiness.

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Despite that, there are some common tasks that every ambitious person is capable of doing, such as:

Change carrer

Change is not easy, be it at home, at work, in a relationship and, above all, in a career.

Going through transformations is painful and involves periods of adaptation to the new environment. But ambition makes people capable of facing their fears and taking the first step.

Without this drive and courage to face the new, we would be unable to get out of negative situations. Comfort would take over us and we would spend our entire lives trapped in an environment or a person that does not help us grow.

You have to have focus, ambition and determination.

don’t give up easy

It is possible to identify an ambitious person simply by noticing the way they meet along the way. She doesn’t give up, she doesn’t give up and she doesn’t stand still waiting for the situation to change.

Ambition gives you energy to face the problems and barriers encountered on your journey.

An ambitious person is not looking at the problem. Instead, he tirelessly tries to find solutions.

Dream big

Having a small business is for everyone. Having a successful business that is a benchmark in the market is for ambitious people.

Ambition is the differential between small thinking and limitless thinking.

Create a new solution

Creating a new solution with an eye on routine problems demands desire, passion, and entrepreneurship.

Hardly, a person without ambition will be able to materialize their ideas due to lack of energy and desire to grow.

Characteristics of an ambitious person

In addition to the actions that an ambitious person manages to carry out, we can point out some common characteristics.

These are skills that make all the difference when it comes to starting a business, developing personal projects and even interpersonal ties.

Take a look at some of these features to see what you already have and what you still need to develop:


As you have already seen, the concept of ambition is the desire for success, achievement, victory and personal growth.

For this reason, dedication is part of the life of those who are ambitious, since dedication is the ability to accept challenges, to fight for what is desired, to strive to achieve objectives.

Courage to try and be wrong

Success, whether personal or professional, cannot be achieved without trying. And the attempts often give rise to some errors.

A person without ambition tends to give up at the first challenge, believing that they are not capable of doing what they have set out to do, that they are not ready for that task.

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Meanwhile, ambitious people are not afraid to try and make mistakes, knowing that the road to victory may be long, but the result is worth it.

Change of actitud

Attitudinal change is necessary for growth. Without it, we always remain in the same place, trapped in comfort.

This is actually the basic difference between successful people and people who are content with little.

We change our attitude to be able to face adversity, to undertake, to fight for a new position in the market, that is, to reach a better place.

Positive thoughts

When a person is full of ambition, their .

While everyone else is looking at the problem, the ambitious are looking for the solution. His thoughts are more positive, more optimistic and more objective.

goal development

They are essential to achieve a given goal. Without them, it is practically impossible to measure the results and follow the evolution.

In a venture, for example, goals help analyze the company’s profits, profit and performance.

An ambitious person can think of short, medium and long term goals. She analyzes where she is today and where she wants to be in the years to come.

The goals allow us to understand the degree of evolution and, mainly, if the applied strategies are having an effect.

Do you have ambition?

As we show in this post, ambition is a desirable characteristic in every professional. It should not be confused with greed or represent a negative point.

Ambitious people tend to achieve their goals more easily, as they are not content with little and are always looking for new achievements.

In any case, when we say ease we are not referring to short means to achieve objectives. After all, you must have already realized that having ambition means committing yourself to achieving your goals honestly and gradually.

Ambition is just one of the emblematic characteristics of a successful professional. There are many others, such as leadership and the ability to inspire a team.

Finally, don’t miss our post on how to better understand two topics that go hand in hand: ambition and leadership.

This post was originally published in May 2018 and updated with more complete and accurate information.

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