What is performance evaluation? Discover its types and examples

Performance evaluation is a tool used in personnel management, whose main objective is to evaluate both individual performance and that of a group of collaborators within an organization. If you want to know how to apply it, read our post until the end.

Have you seen the first episode of the third season of BlackMirror?

If you don’t know what we’re talking about, don’t worry, we’ll explain it to you. The episode Nosedive tells the story of a society in which individuals are evaluated all the time for everything they do.

Based on these evaluations, people with good grades have some privileges that those with bad grades do not get, such as, for example, a good place to live or the possibility of frequenting a differentiated environment.

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It seems like something from another world, doesn’t it?

We don’t want to sound exaggerated, but have you ever stopped to think about how we are constantly evaluated and how various things around us also require evaluation? Think, for example, of Uber or iFood.

But don’t think that evaluations are always a bad thing, like the ones presented in BlackMirror.

Different from what the series shows, performance evaluation is an excellent tool for professionals who want to develop new skills and improve their work routine.

Still don’t know what we’re talking about?

In this text, we are going to explain the performance evaluation and how you can apply it to the benefit of your career. Follow us!

What is performance evaluation?

As we said before, performance evaluation is used in personnel management to evaluate the performance of groups or individuals within an organization.

From the analysis of the data collected in these types of evaluation, the You can get information about:

  • The status of production by team or by collaborator;
  • The goals that are being achieved and those that still need to be worked on better.

Thus, he manages to identify great talents in his team and help those who are not developing well have the opportunity to improve.

In other words, the performance evaluation should not be used only to separate those who have stood out positively from those who did not obtain good results. Its function is also to create an opportunity to contribute to the learning of the collaborators who need to improve.

Mainly for this reason, when doing a performance evaluation you have to give participation to the team responsible for the . Thus, they will be able to think of a specific plan for the development of each collaborator.

Advantages of performance evaluation

In addition to the main personal and professional advantage that a performance evaluation can generate for a collaborator, because with it they will have the opportunity to learn new skills and improve their performance in the organization, there are other benefits such as:

  • Self-knowledge: by understanding their weak and strong points, the collaborator can get to know himself better professionally;
  • Organizational climate: With a complete analysis of all the evaluations, the entrepreneur manages to understand how the climate is in his organization;
  • Trust and transparency: having a feedback culture helps to strengthen ties between managers and collaborators, who begin to better accept the perceptions that others have of each one;
  • Basing decisions: With constant evaluations, the entrepreneur manages to make more correct decisions regarding the hiring or firing of a collaborator.
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How to apply the performance evaluation?

When making a performance evaluation, it is important to follow some steps so that your analysis is as complete as possible.

We separated the 8 main steps to help you. Look!

1. Understand well the function of each collaborator

It is very important that you know not only the position that each person has in your business, but also the functions and daily tasks of the collaborators.

When you know well what a person does, you can define what he must achieve. Thus, when doing the performance evaluation, you will see more easily if he is fulfilling the tasks that he must do daily well or not.

2. Define the type of evaluation that will be applied

There are several performance evaluations that can be applied – we will talk about them in this same text – and each one has its specificity.

Of course, you can try more than one evaluation model in order to define the most suitable one for your business.

However, you need to know which model you are going to use before you call someone to chat. That way, you can better conduct the evaluation.

3. Choose the factors to be observed

By defining the evaluation model, it is also possible to understand what factors will be observed.

Some examples of factors are technical skills and competencies, posture at work, harmony with the company culture, etc.

Remember that these aspects must be observed for a while and not only on the day of the evaluation. Therefore, it is important to define them in advance to be able to observe if the collaborator has evolved or not.

The more factors you manage to evaluate, the more complete will be the analysis of the data that you will carry out later.

4. Prepare the quiz questions

This is the time to know what you want to ask.

Think of questions that show how the collaborator relates to the people around them: internal and external clients, co-workers on the same or different teams, and managers.

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But, go further and also think about questions that can show the behavior of the collaborator.

For example:

  • How do internal customers see the care provided by that collaborator?
  • What about external clients?
  • How does the collaborator express his opinion?
  • And how do you react when another person expresses opinions?
  • How does the collaborator relate to other teams?

5. Identify positive and negative points

Everyone has positive and negative points, that’s not a problem. On the contrary: in a performance evaluation it is essential to know all these points well.

Only in this way can you propose actions so that people develop better in their functions.

So, when compiling the information from the factors to be observed, remember to recognize not only what needs to be improved, but also what stands out positively.

6. Create development strategies

The main thing in this type of evaluation is to contribute to the . Therefore, as soon as you have an analysis of each person, think of strategies that can help the collaborator improve.

It is useless to do a performance evaluation if you do not show alternatives for the person to do their job better.

7. Give feedback

For the entrepreneur who is starting now, it can be difficult to give negative feedback, but believe me, if you know how to talk, feedback will be essential for the professional and personal development of each collaborator.

Therefore, do not keep the evaluation information only for yourself. Schedule a meeting with each person to discuss the points you discussed and show both what was positive and what was negative.

To share the results of your evaluation, already have a development strategy to suggest to the person or propose that you define together an action plan to improve the points evaluated negatively.

The important thing is to create a comfortable environment so that communication is as transparent as possible and so that the collaborator trusts what you are saying.

8. Do a reevaluation after a certain time

After a certain period, it is necessary to reassess each collaborator to see if the action plan is working or if it needs to be reformulated.

In addition, with this new evaluation you will be able to know if the person is really a talent that you want to keep or if the time has come to fire them from your company.

The reassessment time will depend on the time required for a change to occur.

For example: if you suggested that someone take a course to improve writing techniques, you will only be able to assess whether this skill was developed after a few weeks of completing the course.

Therefore, the reassessment is something particular and will depend on your agreement with the collaborator.

10 types of performance evaluation

Now that we have explained the entire process for doing a performance review, it is time to learn about some of the most commonly used types. We’ll see?

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1. Self-assessment

As the name itself indicates, this is a self-performed performance appraisal.

Basically, what you have to do is use questions about everyday behaviors with your work colleagues, managers and clients, or about the tasks carried out.

This type of evaluation is divided into two stages:

  1. The collaborator individually answers a questionnaire to reflect on their performance in the organization;
  2. Together with the manager, the person understands their strengths and weaknesses and thinks of improvements they can apply to their routine.

The It is essential to understand how a person is performing because it will help you to know if the perception that the collaborator has of himself is the same as you, as a manager, have of him.

2. Manager evaluation

The evaluation of the manager is what the collaborators make of their direct leaders.

This is very important to understand if the managers you chose are fulfilling their roles.

In addition, this type of performance evaluation will allow you to know if the manager’s communication with the team is direct and objective or if there are communication problems that can even harm your business.

From the analysis of the answers given by the collaborators, you manage to plan a that can serve to further qualify your team.

3. Team evaluation

As important as the self-assessment is the team assessment, because with it you can see how people are working together. It can also help you think about .

This evaluation model helps to identify:

  • Communication problems,
  • Personal problems between collaborators,
  • If someone is overloaded while another person has a lot of free time,
  • Team members you should change.

4. Evaluation 180 degrees

The 180-degree evaluation is similar to the self-assessment, with the difference that the direct manager of the collaborator also evaluates it.

Later, both sit down, compare their evaluations and make a joint analysis of the collaborator’s performance in the work environment.

5. 360 degree evaluation

In this type of performance evaluation, all the people involved in the professional routine of a collaborator are invited to the process.

In other words, managers, teammates, internal and external clients and the evaluated person participate in the 360-degree evaluation, answering questions about the collaborator.

At the end, you compare the answers to understand what is the general image of the…

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