Youtube Video Builder, a new tool for fast video creation

Immersed as we are in the digital era, it is normal that thousands of contents are generated every day every second. In this war for who generates the most striking or attractive content, brands are forced to continuously innovate, and it is in this scenario where video stands out as one of the top formats of the moment.

Brands and businesses turn to communicate with their customers. Many do it through professionals in the field, with cutting-edge creations that know how to capture the full attention of consumers. But if we are talking about small or medium-sized companies, as well as start-ups, it is most likely that they do not have enough resources to hire the services of audiovisual specialists, nor to create their own videos.

For all this he was born YouTube Video Builder. Actually it is a beta tool, for now, but the thing promises. Through it, any company that needs a video will be able to create it easily and quickly, be it for an advertising campaign, for a website or for companies. Let’s see more.

How does YouTube Video Builder work?

Youtube Video Builder was born to meet the creative needs of brands and companies. For larger companies that already have existing video assets, Video Builder can help bring agility and experimentation to the creation process, as well as the ability to create other companion videos. For small businesses, the tool is an efficient and economical way to create small audiovisual pieces.

But how does this new service work? Video Builder animates static graphic resources such as photos, logos, and also texts, with music from the YouTube library. The tool allows you to choose between several designs or templates that are based on different messages or objectives. In them you can select or customize colors, fonts, and thus generate YouTube videos between 6 and 15 seconds long. In this video they explain it in detail.

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Some companies have already been testing the application, although, as we pointed out above, it is currently in beta phase. Since they say they are accelerating the process of the next stage of availability of YouTube Video Builder, so it would not be strange that in the coming months we can already talk about a real and accessible tool for everyone. In any case, the beta version can be tested by registering. From Google they will process all requests giving access to those that have already been granted access.

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