5 Social Media Trends for 2022 –

In the age of immediacy there is no brake, consumers want everything for yesterday and being aware of trends in social networks for 2022 becomes an essential part of our work as digital marketing specialists. Sometimes this is a tremendous problem for marketing professionals. But of course, seen from the perspective of the market, it is something that characterizes our profession: being aware of everything that happens to anticipate what customers need.

A little intense this reflection. But enough already: you have come here looking for answers and I am going to give them to you. These are clear examples of the trends in Social Networks for 2022, which you can apply to your business.

#1. Get on the Tik Tok wave, before it’s too late.

A trend in social networks that is almost guaranteed for 2022: TikTok is going to set the rules when it comes to social networks.

In its short history, the short video platform has broken download records and has quickly become a popular app for connecting with consumers today and generations to come. The app is built on a highly personalized content recommendation system that helps brands gain visibility, connect with the right audience, and garner high levels of engagement.

Apply it to your business.

  • If your customers are using TikTok, you should. It’s a great way to connect with them and find out what they’re looking for and how they’re looking for it. To be successful on TikTok, you need to make sure you’re in their conversations.
  • The rise of User Generated Content (UGC) has changed the way many businesses do marketing. What makes TikTok unique is that it combines the personal and intimate touch of social media marketing with the video approach of media advertising. traditional. Do it is really effective.
  • Please note that TikTok is preparing new features to be even more attractive to content creators, such as campaign monetization.
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CHALLENGE. The challenge for marketers is to break away from traditional marketing campaigns. long term and find creative ways to engage with consumers on current social media trends, no matter how ephemeral.

# two. Cookies are over: What will happen to online advertising?

As Google tries the future of advertising on social networks is not yet defined. For brands, this means learning to balance the need to provide personalized service with the need for compliance. While a “cookie-free future” may sound like a great idea to advertisers, publishers, and consumers, those who have profited from collecting user data by compromising their privacy will need to reconsider their strategy.

Apply it to your business.

  • Leverage user-generated content. If there are a lot of users installing ad blockers, creative needs to be #1 in your strategy. Consumers trust UGC so make sure this will be in your strategy.
  • Take advantage of the amount of data that social networks already offer you without the need to use cookies.
  • Data and metrics will be more important than ever. Base your actions on data and analytics.
  • Be creative and, in addition to doing combine this with additional information or useful content for your audience.

# 3. Social networks as another sales channel.

Until some time ago, selling on social networks focused on making ads or campaigns. Now, the platforms are starting to offer new sales solutions aimed at facilitating the customer journey. For example, Instagram has introduced new shopping features that allow users to purchase items without leaving the app. Heading into 2022, brands need to re-evaluate the paths to purchase they offer and take advantage of marketing opportunities through Instagram posts, stories and more.

Apply it to your business.

  • If social networks are going to be sales platforms, images will have more prominence if possible. Investigate results are the trends in social networks in terms of images for your sector and try to be as striking as possible, without neglecting the quality of the images.
  • Consumers are looking for personalized experiences. To be able to generate these types of experiences, listen to your consumers and use analysis tools to ensure that the sales funnel is as simple and comfortable as possible.
  • The UGC also applies to this trend in social networks, since reviews or collaborations and conversations with users are a great way to sell.
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CHALLENGE. Stay on top of everything that happens in social networks and electronic commerce, since the platforms will incorporate and improve these functionalities destined for sale during the year 2022. Do not forget that the reviews and opinions of your users also improve the of your website because it is a factor that Google takes into account for it.

# 4. Users demand personalized content.

Marketers have not hesitated to adapt to the type of content that users demanded after the COVID-19 pandemic. Social networks are already an integral part of our lives, confinement has increased their use worldwide.

To stay visible to potential customers, brands need to communicate in precise terms, target specific audiences, and tap into what’s truly relevant to those audiences. It can mean creating content that is tailored to a generation, place, genre, or interest. Now that businesses have access to their customers’ personal data, users expect more personalized experiences throughout the customer journey.

Apply it to your business.

  • You have to be specific and know who you are targeting. Investigate and access the information of your users to continuously continue content for them.
  • Keep your eyes on the audio content. Some types of content and channels are becoming popular thanks to the restrictions of the pandemic. The creation of audio and podcasts are strategies that you should watch closely because they are going to have a pull in 2022.
  • Creating personalized content is also taking into account the value of your audience’s time: create accessible, short-lived and interesting content. These are the 3 ingredients that will make your strategy a success.
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# 5. Influencer marketing is consolidated.

Will we stop saying that the is it something new? Hmm, we’ll see.

Influencer marketing has become a predominant methodology in marketing strategies. As the dominance of social media continues to expand, so does the weight and power of influencers. The new rules led to more regulation of influencers, while many of them prospered, leading to significant growth in audience and engagement.

Influencer marketing achieves better results with less risk. The brands that take advantage of these opportunities are the ones that are looking for what consumers want, and the ones that are able to identify the influencers that will give them the opportunity to generate the greatest impact. If you haven’t thought about influencer marketing in 2022, you risk missing out on the opportunity to grow your customer base.

Apply it to your business.

  • Be clear about the objectives of your influencer marketing campaigns before choosing the influencer in question, as both must be aligned with each other, as well as with your brand.
  • Do not rule out micro or small influencers, as they have a higher conversion rate.

Marketing professionals have been warning us: consumers must be at the center of every strategy, campaign and content. If you want to conquer your audience you have to involve them, which is why the UGC is present in most social media trends for 2022 .

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