The Account Based Marketing is consolidated as a strategy to support sales management in B2B markets. Its segmented approach to the client portfolio and meticulous customization make it very profitable when assessing its ROI.
in the segment Business to Business (B2B) There is no quick customer acquisition. B2B offering products and services typically requires sophisticated account management. On the demand side, hiring a supplier is the result of a journey that meets several phases: between the identification of a need by a company, the evaluation of offers and budgets from suppliers, the design and development of business cases that justify new investments, the validation by operational and financial controls, until you get to one purchase order.
And although we are simplistic in this narration, my objective is none other than to put in a situation the environment through which the practice of Account Based Marketing, or ABM.
What is Account Based Marketing (ABM)
We could define ABM as the practice of one-to-one marketing brought to the B2B environment. It comes to be a realization of the dream of the sales department, where the marketing team transfers all its experience to develop messages and implement 100% personalized communication tactics according to the people and the company that constitutes a strategic account for our business.
Unlike other processes of capturing or generating demand, where the acquisition of prospects is driven from multiple marketing channels, in ABM the definition of the portfolio of strategic accounts is the result of a complex analysis process which requires a separate sales funnel. Next, we list three important keys For your application.
1. An ABM funnel is a funnel per account
The first big difference between ABM and other forms of marketing is that the recruitment process begins with the selection of potential clients from a known universe. It is not the random sifting that we experience when we do traditional advertising, no matter how segmented the strategy is, how sharp the criteria for investment in channels, how creative the communication has been, and that results in a diverse number of clients.
At AMB we start from a fixed funnel composed of the following profiles:
- Prospect accounts and/or target customers. This category integrates all the clients that we are interested in having or those clients with whom we have worked at a given time.
- Target accounts already compromised. In this phase we already begin to qualify the accounts for the sales processes with the areas in need of potential exploitation by the sales team. Something that sounds very similar to
- Opportunity target accounts. From here the accounts are classified according to the stage in which the sales process is found. And based on this analysis, one-to-one marketing tactics would be applied.
- Target accounts won. It is the number of customers with closed transactions in a given period of time and who are susceptible to loyalty treatment.
2. AMB’s efforts are focused on compromised accounts
All sales managers know that when the “marketing lead” database digests arrive, the work is just beginning. And it is that an account more committed to our commercial content is undoubtedly a more promising target for the sales team.
When can we qualify a target account as “compromised”?
Well commitment is about quality, not just quantity. For example, you might consider an account “compromised” when four people visit five product pages on your website. This could be your threshold to convert target accounts into compromised accounts.
You can get this data using a tool reverse ip lookup that maps anonymous website visitors to their respective companies. Ideally, you need to use a digital analytics tool that aggregates account engagement data alongside contact data to get a 360-degree view of your top accounts.
3. From this moment on, bring out all your marketing artillery
Positioned people and objectives in the sales process can establish content positioning practices that provide visibility to their solutions, collaborate with the client in the precision of their real needs, the scope of the services they require, analyze and compare value proposals, etc. And it is in the implementation phase of communication techniques with customers that the identity of ABM becomes blurred among other techniques such as content marketing, but it should not be forgotten that the focus on personalizing the relationship with an already recognized client is the distinguishing mark of this practice.
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