How to create an email signature that drives conversions [Videotutorial] – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

When we write an email message, we usually indicate our name, mobile phone number and some other information at the end so that communication with the recipient is closer. However, we often do not realize that Our email signature can be much more than just our title or contact information.

A well-designed email signature should not only provide basic contact details but also invite the reader to respondcapture the recipient’s attention in a memorable way and invite them to perform an action.

What is a professional email signature for?

A good email signature should meet the following objectives:

  1. Get the recipient’s attention
  2. Strengthen the brand image
  3. Give confidence to those who receive our email
  4. Inform the reader about new products, services and offers
  5. Invite to take action

To achieve these goals it is absolutely essential include a number of basic elements and use them strategically. That is, each of the elements must fulfill a certain objective.

Basic elements of a good email signature

Let’s start with the basic elements that help convey an image of seriousness and facilitate communication with the person sending an email. Here are some basic elements of a professional email signature:

Name and surname

Our first and last names help the recipient identify who sent the email. Knowing that there is a real person behind a message allows you to establish a relationship of trust between the sender and the recipient.


If we are representing a company or a brand, a good idea would be to also include the position we hold. In this way, the person receiving the mail will be able to better understand our responsibilities, functions and communication objectives.

Company name

Whether we send a message from a personal email address or if we use a corporate mailbox such as or, it is recommended to add the name of the company.

Telephone number (landline and/or mobile)

To facilitate communication, increase the level of trust and increase the possibility of conversion, we must add our phone numbers.

Email address (optional)

It is not mandatory to include the sender’s email address because it is very easy to find it in the “From:” field of the email. However, some people do prefer to include the email address at the bottom of their signature.

web page url

A link to the company website not only allows provide more information about it but also generate recurring traffic and improve the position of the web in organic search. But we will talk about this later.

Email Signature Generators

At first glance create a professional email signature it may seem difficult for many reasons. If we want our signature to reinforce the corporate image, if we plan to include the company logo, highlight certain elements and make the signature legible, we must resort to the services of a professional designer.

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Once the design is created, it is necessary encode the signature in the HTML format and make sure the closure is compatible with most email providers. The processes of designing, coding and implementing an interactive HTML signature in a medium or large company can sometimes take up to half a year.

However, today on the market there are professional tools that make this job easier. We’re talking about online email signature generators that allow you to create professional closings in a couple of clicks with no design or coding skills required.

Using the email signature editor NEWOLDSTAMP we are going to show you how to create a professional email signature step by step. Although you can also take advantage of the new tool that they have launched, , which is also free and is more adapted to the needs of small businesses or individual entrepreneurs.

How to create a professional email signature in NEWOLDSTAMP

1. Access the online email signature editor

In order to access the editor, you must register on the website of by clicking the Register button at the top of the screen. Once we open the generator we can familiarize ourselves with the interface of the tool. In the left sidebar we can see the fields for basic and contact information.

In the central part is the preview that allows us to see all the changes we make in real time. On the right side of the screen are pre-designed templates and a series of interesting functionalities which we will explain later.

2. Enter basic and contact information

In the left sidebar we are going to fill in some of the most basic fields such as the name, the company, the telephone number, our position and the department to which we belong. Note that we can change the size and font style, make the text bold or italic.

3. Add a photo or company logo

The next items to add are our photo or company logo. NEWOLDSTAMP has a built-in image editor which allows us to set the shape and size of the image within the editor.

4. Add icons

It is very easy to add clickable social media icons in our signature: we just have to copy the URLs of our accounts on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and paste them into the corresponding fields.

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5. Choose the template that best suits our needs

At the top of the right sidebar we can choose one of the predesigned templates. We have over twenty different templates to choose fromall of them responsive and professional looking.

6. Add additional elements

If we want our email signature to reinforce the brand image, invite customers to make a purchase or offer the possibility of downloading our app from the App Store, for example, we have to add some additional elements. NEWOLDSTAMP provides a wide variety of marketing-focused features. We can add call to action buttons, incorporate social, informative or promotional apps and include pre-designed banners.

7. Save and install the signature

When our firm is ready to install we just have to hit the Save and Install button and proceed with the installation. Once we select the mail provider we use, NEWOLDSTAMP offers us detailed installation instructions.

So if you don’t know how to install an email signature on Gmail, Apple Mail, Thunderbird or other clients, do not worry because in the generator guides the installation process is explained step by step. In fact, NEWOLDSTAMP has just launched the Spanish version of its website and publisher so all the information is available in Spanish.

Email signature – marketing tool

At the beginning of the article we mentioned that when designing a professional email signature you have to keep in mind the marketing objectives of our company. A well-implemented email signature marketing strategy can strengthen your brand image, increase your number of followers on social media, increase traffic to your website or landing page, and generate more sales.

Generate recurring traffic

To generate additional traffic to our website we may add a link to our home page or include a link to a recent blog post. In this way we increase the percentage of recurring visitors and as a consequence we improve the positioning of our website in organic search.

Increase brand recognition

Considering that an average professional sends 30 emails a day, we can count how many marketing and branding opportunities a team of 50, 100 or 1000 people misses if they do not use an email signature strategically. Simply by adding our company logo in the email signature and using the brand colors in the elements of the email, we make it easier for our customers to recognize the brand and associate our messages with a specific company.

Introduce new products or services

A well-designed email signature can help us publicize new products and services. In the signature generator NEWOLDSTAMP there are several interesting features that allow you to promote the launch of a new product. For example, we may launch a banner campaign or include a call-to-action button below the contact information.

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Improve conversion rate and sell more

Call-to-action buttons embedded in promotional banners invite the customer to take an action, be it downloading an e-book, signing up for an upcoming webinar, or taking advantage of a discount and making a purchase.

Increase the number of followers on social networks

The generator allows you to incorporate social network icons so that those people who receive an email with just a click can access our profiles on Instagram, Facebook or YouTube. The embedded links will help us increase the number of followers in the main communication channels.

Evaluate performance

One of the most interesting functions of NEWOLDSTAMP is that it allows us to evaluate the performance of campaigns. We can be aware of the number of views and clicks that are made and thus adjust the templates to obtain the best results.


It is possible to convert an email signature into an effective and profitable marketing tool. Online signature generators allow you to take advantage of the full potential of this tool and provide a variety of instruments that, together with other techniques (content marketing, , ) can enhance a company’s marketing strategy.

If you want to improve your marketing strategy by incorporating a professional email signature in your business correspondence, all you have to do is access the and design your own personalized signature. The generator has two options: a free one for personal use with limited functionalities and a paid one that includes more than 20 pre-designed templates and with access to all the advanced functions.

In addition, for being readers of Marketing4eCommerce you can get a 25% discount on NEWOLDSTAMP. To do this, you will only have to use the discount code M4CMOLA.

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