How to display clothes to sell: ideas for fashion businesses

Do you have (or plan to launch) a clothing business? If your answer is yes, you have probably faced the question How to display clothes to sell more? And you should know that there are always ways to improve the way you are presenting your merchandise. It is vital to make your customers fall in love with what they are seeing and hook them in a short time, especially .

To boost your physical and online clothing store, there are several display tricks that will make you a ace of visual merchandising and help you stand out from your competition.

Apply these ideas for clothing stores and see that the way you present your merchandise is the easiest trick to improve your income.

Apply these ideas for clothing stores and options of simple clothing store decorationproving that the way you present your merchandise is the easiest trick to improve your income.

Are you ready to discover how to display clothes to sell more?

What is the visual merchandising?

It does not matter if you have entered a physical or virtual store, it is certain that you have witnessed the visual merchandising. It’s about using colors, lighting, technology and other elements to attract a customer’s attention.

The visual merchandising ensures that the presentation of your products at the point of sale maximizes the attention and attraction of buyers:

  • Causing desire.
  • Drawing attention.
  • Sharing the DNA of your brand.

What is the use of visual merchandising?

The ultimate goal of visual merchandising It is always to increase sales, but there are many benefits along with it:

  • Attract more customers.
  • Maximize the potential of your resources.
  • Sell ​​more.
  • Get more value from your products.
  • Loyalty to your customers.

Now we tell you a little more about them…

attract more customers

The visual merchandising can increase the number of people who notice and enter your store. The sales effort must start from the outside, where customers first see your products (for example, in a post on social networks). If they like what they see and enjoy the experience you create for them, they will come to your store.

Maximize the potential of your resources

Your store design should flow easily and direct customers to the elements and messages you want to highlight. Your customers will begin to associate you with a positive shopping experience. We bet they will come back to buy again!

Sell ​​more

The visual merchandising done correctly can have a clear and positive effect on your sales. You must have clear prices, attractive images and simple explanations as they will improve the shopping experience for your customers.

Get more value from your products

If the type of clothing you sell is for a very specific niche, the visual merchandising could help you sell it without having to lower the price.

Loyalty to your customers

Did you know that it is easier to keep your existing customers than to find new ones? new and old with your passion and make them loyal to your brand. In this way they will continue to buy from you without taking into account other competitors or changes in prices.

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Elements to display and order clothes in a physical store

To display and order clothes in your physical store you need certain basic elements and a touch of creativity. No matter what type of clothing you want to sell, the key to how to accommodate a clothing store it’s in a few elements that will help your store look professional and invite people to come in.

Here are some of the things you will need:

  • signs
  • shelves
  • Racks
  • mannequins
  • Demand payment options
  • bags
  • Showcases
  • Mirrors

Do you want to know why they are important? Read on and find out.

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Signs 🪧

Someone is more likely to walk into a store if they know exactly what you’re selling. Don’t forget to use your brand name and logo. You can also place some signs inside to identify different categories and products.

Shelves 👕

They are perfect for a good variety of garments. Plus, they give your customers an easy way to find what they’re looking for.

Racks 🧥

And with the racks, obviously come the hooks to hang dresses, long shirts and even skirts.

Mannequins 💃

If you have folded clothes in different sizes, don’t forget to show an example of how the clothes look on a mannequin. This way you allow all visitors to easily examine the clothes and get an idea of ​​how they look when worn.

Payment options at sight 💸

There are many forms of payment today. It is not recommended that you only receive cash, because you will lose the sale of customers who are not carrying cash. You can choose bank terminals or those that connect to your cell phone or a tablet.

Bags 🛍

Bags are a great marketing tool. Your customers will take their purchases with them, but you can also use them as a sales and branding tool. Do not forget to put your logo, brand and you can even print a nice message for them to reuse.

Showcases 🪟

They protect and display your items effectively. You can even use them with a double function as a payment area.

Mirrors 🪞

It is essential that your customers can try on the clothes and see how they look. Full body mirrors are your best option and if you want to put some small ones, they can be near the accessories.

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How to display clothes to sell?

Displaying clothes may sound easy, but you have to think hard how will you present your products. Imagine that you are your own client, how would you like things to be arranged? What makes you approach a product? How is it easier for you to find your size?

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With that in mind, and our next steps, you will succeed in your exhibition.

  • Separate clothes into categories. For example, if you have an adult clothing store, separate your clothing into a men’s section and a women’s section.
  • Divide each category into additional sections. Separate pants from t-shirts, shoes from accessories, and pajamas from sweaters. Sort clothes into specific groups.
  • Hang and fold each item in its category and divide by color and then by size.
  • Place the accessories near the box. This way they can take extra products while they wait to pay.
  • Display seasonal items to the front of your store. If you have a clearance area, keep it tidy and place it at the farthest point from the entrance. In this way, the offers will force your customers to cross the entire store and there will be more opportunity for other clothes to catch their attention.

Ideas on how to display clothes to sell more

Planning the organization of your store is a mixture of art and science. To solve the riddle of how to sell clothesyou will need imagination, information and the infallible strategy of trial and error.

In the next points we will explain the most common tactics that you can implement to display clothes and sell more.

  1. Think about the layout of your store.
  2. Make sure your store never looks empty.
  3. Please note the entrance.
  4. Add a power wall.
  5. Keep your clothes in order.

1. Think about the layout of your store

Organize your products managing store traffic and flow. You will have to take into account some factors such as the size of the premises, what you sell, your target and the experience you want your customers to have. For example: Are they buying slowly or are they in a hurry?

2. Make sure your store never looks empty

According to studies, having many products and a good stock has shown to increase sales and . In addition to racks, shelves and other furniture, you can also take advantage of the walls of the premises by making clothing wall displays.

3. Consider the entrance

The first two and three meters of your boutique are of the utmost importance, they are the ones that will give them an idea of ​​what is there if they go deeper and the ones that will make your customers think about buying (or not).

This area will let them soak up the mood full of what you offer. Think about the music, the lighting and the general atmosphere. Evaluate what your favorite products are and place them at the entrance.

4. Add a power wall

According to experts, 90% of shoppers entering a store. Take advantage of this and place a power wall there. We refer to a space where you put your new clothes and decorations that attract attention to complement them. You can also put there the products that you know sell the most.

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5. Keep your clothes in order

Nobody likes a store that looks cluttered. We know that you also locate one or two where you find a shoe on one side and another on another, and how difficult it is to end up buying there. Ask your employees to help you fold unfolded clothes already return garments to their placein addition to accommodating them by size.

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How to decorate a small boutique with little money?

In case you have decided to open a small physical location or a flagship storehere are some ideas of simple clothing store decoration that you can apply Consider them!

  1. With artificial flowers attached to the wall.
  2. Using colored paint.
  3. Using recycled and organic materials.
  4. Using mannequins and merchandise displays.
  5. Placing signage and other signs.

And there are even more options for simple clothing store decoration! The only thing you need is to define your budget and encourage yourself to make the changes in your premises.

How to display clothes online

Selling clothes online is becoming more and more popular. Whether you have your own brand or that, there are different tips to present your clothes and have many more clicks.

Remember that online you will have to make your potential customers fall in love visually! Every day more people are added to the list of clothing sellers in apps, social networks and platforms, so find a way to distinguish yourself.

Follow these tips and apply them in your online store:

  1. Take unique and clear photos.
  2. Descriptions are important.
  3. Show combinations.
  4. Don’t forget the additional photos.
  5. Camera or phone?

1. Take unique and clear photos

Beware of low quality images! Do not use filters so that your visitors can see the actual material and colors of the clothes. We recommend you take into account the background, the lighting and use a consistent style so that a common thread is seen throughout your publications. You can use a mannequin, clips or even a model to make them unique and clear.

2. Descriptions are important

Cover all the points a potential buyer might need. This helps them understand what they’re buying and reduces questions they might ask you, creating a faster and more streamlined shopping experience. You should include a concise description of the garment, brand, sizing, material information, and unique details.

3. Combinations

Do you have clothes that can put together a complete outfit? Take photos of the possible combinations so you can sell more than…

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