How to telecommute: 10 tips to be productive from home – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

What has been said: we are facing a new wave of the pandemic and teleworking is once again being implemented as an emergency measure to try to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

And while some of us have already become accustomed to this modality, to for others, teleworking will mean facing a new (and great) challengesince it seems very easy and that everything will be fun… but believe me, it has its great advantages but also its great difficulties.

Tips for telecommuting without dying trying

I have spent quite a few years (I won’t tell you how many) doing teleworking in different modalities but always under some strict rules that I have learned over time, and that I share with you so that you avoid falling into temptations or distractions as much as possible.

1. Follow your schedule

Yes, one of the great advantages of teleworking is not having to get up at dawn to fight to get in the shower first and run out with a cup of coffee in hand because it’s getting late… but it’s very easy to get late if we don’t have a strict time to start.

The best thing is that if you started working in your office at 9, know that, yes or yes, at 9 you should be sitting in front of the computer, having breakfast and ready.

2. Pajamas?

I have noticed that in different blogs they advise not to work in pajamas. I guess it will depend on the case. Of course a daily cleaning routine is very important emotionally and even for health.

It works for me to start working in pajamas, and after solving the most urgent, take a shower more calmly. However, the advice behind it is that you wear clothes that you are comfortable in, but above all that do not make you feel tired, depressed or even confined and that you have a schedule for your cleaning or beauty routine.

And please, if you have scheduled some video calls or meetings, always answer presentable!

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3. Get away from the sofa or bed

It is tempting. At first I started doing some work on my bed, so relaxed. But one ends up with contractures in the best of cases, besides productivity drops and in other cases it simply serves to fall asleep again, or even lead to depression.

4. Establish your job title

you must set a place away from distractions (or at least as much as possible) on a table that has the right height, a comfortable chair (if it is a secretarial one, better) with good lighting and where you can have everything you need within reach.

A place where your work stuff “doesn’t get in the way” of others at home, and where you can lock it (at least symbolically) when you’re done and forget about it.

5. And speaking of distractions…

I have had the advantage of telecommuting when everyone leaves home, and that has allowed me to have fixed working hours, without distractions, without noise, but when I have to work on weekends or on days when someone else is at home has been terrible.

Nevertheless, this time we must be more understanding both with others and with ourselves. We all like to work without distractions but now we must share our new “office” with our relatives, and if there are any, with small children who can take it as a vacation.

We will have to accept that we will not be able to comply 100% with our routine tasks, at least not always.

6. Structure your day

As I said at the beginning, having an hour to start is very important, but it is equally important to have an hour to finish. It will happen that you want to finish everything in one day and only to realize that it is already dawn, you are not finished yet and you have not even been able to stretch your legs.

As in the office, have a time to start, to finish, to eat and, very importantly, to take some breaks.

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7. Take breaks!

Have a coffee, walk a few minutes or some quick activity that relaxes you is simply essential. Sometimes I’ve gotten so caught up in my work that I end up talking to myself (thanks to now there are people who answer me), but it’s not ideal.

As well as getting some exercise, if you’re home alone make a call to a friend or family member, Clear your mind by talking about something other than work. If you have family at home, take advantage of your breaks with them.

8. And what about housework?

It is inevitable, you will have to wash dishes, do laundry and well, clean something. Don’t do it during your working hours! Otherwise you will end up frustrated and you will not finish your work or housework.

Find out what your best times are, and take advantage of the less productive hours of your day doing repetitive things like washing the dishesand the most productive to do what requires greater concentration and establishes priorities.

9. Children and teleworking can coexist

It is a reality: children give us a lot of joy and also make us less willing to work because we want to enjoy their occurrences in our free time. And when we are already working they distract because they get bored.

If they are very young children, my recommendation is that never lose sight of them because you won’t know if their silence is that they’re sleeping peacefully or they’re planning to kick the cat off the third floor, so if you don’t have help at home, you can set up a play area in your workplace, tell them that this is their space to learn just like you have your office, and have them under peripheral gaze 👀.

If they are somewhat older children, you can leave them some work in another part of the house, and stay with them at lunchtime, and on the way out, just like when we go to the office, take the opportunity to do something that distracts us.

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10. Be careful what you eat!

Yes, it’s true, if you don’t take care of yourself telecommuting can lead to overweight or health problems. The stress of having to get everything ready and the comfort of having your entire pantry at hand is very tempting.

So avoid bringing food to your work area as much as possibleand if you have them (sometimes it’s unavoidable) it’s better to eat nuts or some healthy food (no chocolate bars!).

Tips from influencers and experts

Other top telecommuting experts and influencers have shared their tips for making the best work from home possible. Do not stop reading them, take those that adapt to your routines and rhythm of life, and enjoy this new work modality, that in a few days we will surely return to our normal routines.

I have been working remotely or from home for almost all my working life (about 16 years) and with the coronavirus, many of you will be doing it, so I am making a small thread with my personal experience and advice:

– Ivan Garcia (@ivangarcia)

After 6 years telecommuting, I am going to dare to give you some tips so that you do not cut your veins:
1. It’s very tempting, but don’t work in pajamas (We allow comfortable clothes as a pet, but make sure it’s different from what you wear to sleep) 👇

— ClapForMarta (@ClapForMarta)

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