How to use a welcome email effectively?

Conquer your community and your customers with a . It is an effective way to retain your users and humanize your brand. I took into account that that email will be the first impression they will take of your companyso be careful and captivate them forever!

Include a welcome email (or welcome email) automated dI enter the of your business It will bring you many benefits. This message will reach your new users after they subscribe to your newsletter or create an account in your app. Also, it is one of the moments in which you will have greater attention and interest from themtry to get the most juice out of it!

Discover the five impressive uses you can give a welcome email. Attract your customers by building a fluid relationship and make them aware from the beginning, we will reveal how to do it in this article!

Usage #1: Just…thanks!

It never hurts to thank and is always well receivedWhat could be better than putting it into practice in your company? The person gave you their data and this is something very valuable, it is worthy of a thank you!

Think about sending them something creative and impressive, since is what you are giving your brand. One option is to build a plain text campaign using the with their names and that you also sign it. The users of your online store will love the exclusivity.

Use #2: Surprise! A gift for you

Impress your users by offering them a gift or benefit as a welcome present, so you will get their attention and they will also be using your product. Depending on the site , welcome emails have a return on investment of more than 320% than classic promotional campaigns. And this option is one of the easiest to implement, this is your chance to put it into practice!

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Most e-commerce sites take advantage of this option as an advantage to Generate new opportunities and encourage purchase. A tip on how you can apply it is giving your users a discount on the first purchase or free shipping without a certain limit.

Another way to implement this modality is by giving virtual money from your store, in which you give a certain amount that will later be discounted at the time they make their purchase. To catch the attention of your customers and get them to access their gift, don’t forget to add calls to action that encourage purchase. Motivate them to use the benefit!

Usage #3: What great content!

Your best cover letter can be your material. If you put together a welcome email with the trends of the moment, you will have a perfect and interesting introduction to send to your clients and this will be a more effective entrance. If people subscribe to your newsletter it is because they want to know more about the subject, send them something that they really value and keep them attentive from the first moment.

For example, you can send them a welcome email with the latest news, fabric combinations, fashion designers, and even give advice on how to wash the most delicate garments. This will be helpful to your customers and they will love you for the great recommendations you give them.

Use #4: What do they want to receive? Send that!

If you are an expert in ecommerce, you will be aware that the next releases are factors that attract the attention of the user and being aligned with what is new in the market will mark a differentiating factor in your business.

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Do you want to know in depth what interests your users? Know what kind of information or content they would like to receive? You can do it from the first moment by sending a survey! so that all customers can add their preferences and based on that know their interest.

Use #5: Get to know our social networks!

Why not take advantage of the welcome email to invite your new users to discover your brand’s Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram accounts? In addition to carrying traffic, you are going to generate engagement in all your profiles, they will be able to see what you have to offer them and you will leave them interested from the first moment.

Did you have any idea that a welcome email had so many different uses? Now that you know it, apply it to the email marketing strategy you planned and analyze which one is best for your company. Additionally, we tell you that in Doppler we have the functionality of that will help you program a sequence of shipments that starts when the criteria you decide is met, in this case subscription to your website. Easy, fast and effective!

Do you want to start sending welcome emails? We invite you to , an intuitive email marketing tool. This way you can send all the email campaigns you want and welcome all your users.

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