Instagram updates its algorithm to boost original content – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

A new headache arrives for content creators, at least for those of Instagram that will now have new changes in its algorithm in order to offer more visibility in the original content.

Instagram seeks to promote original content

The head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, has been in charge of announcing the improvements to the platform’s algorithm, highlighting that they will seek to enhance the original work of creators over others.

📣 New Features 📣

We’ve added new ways to tag and improved ranking:

– Product Tags
– Enhanced Tags
– Ranking for originality

Creators are so important to the future of Instagram, and we want to make sure that they are successful and get all the credit they deserve.

— Adam Mosseri (@mosseri)

«If you create something from scratch, you should get more credit than if you reshare something you found from someone else. For this reason, we are going to take actions to try to value original content more, particularly over content that has been published several times, “ Mosseri assured in his video.

Content edited outside of Instagram will not be penalized

But what exactly will it mean for the positioning of your content? It is a somewhat difficult subject to foresee. as a track, Mosseri explained that content edited outside of Instagram and then uploaded to the app will not be penalized as duplicate content. According to Mosserithe general idea is that if you did it, it’s original. It’s fine if you edited it off of Instagram and then bring it through the gallery.”

To understand this point well, it must be remembered that last year the visual application of Meta that included visible watermarks would not be displayed prominently like other videos on the platform, which in the end focuses on avoiding the presence of content from in Reels.

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Agree with this, content with visible logos and watermarks will continue to be penalized at least on ReelsHowever, this new change to Instagram’s algorithm is not designed to prevent people from sharing edited content outside of the social network.

Beware of duplicate content in your post history

This change focuses more on post history: Mosseri noted that content aggregators are the focus of this update, and Instagram could refer to an account’s post history as one of the determining factors. “If the account is an aggregator, we are more likely to be able to detect that it is not original.” I mean, these accounts dedicated exclusively to posting content copied from other accountsthey could see a decrease in their range.

If this is the case, you will have to be careful, for example, of the , one of the trends that have allowed to increase the in Instagram accounts so far, and that will probably see a decrease from the implementation of this new algorithm.

Other measures implemented to promote original content

Mosseri also mentioned other measures to enhance the original content, such as the fact that it was available for a long time for certain accounts and that now all users will be able to use. Also, personal tags have been improved so that Instagram users can add categories based on their activities and professions. All of these categories will appear next to the username that has been tagged in a post, in order to help you gain relevance on certain topics.

Instagram’s new algorithm is a work in progress

It is true that these changes will estimate duplicate content, but one of their challenges will be determine which account created the content and who is the impersonator. Given this, Mosseri has admitted that they have built classifiers to predict how “likely” something is to be original. We focus on factors like who’s in the video and whether we’ve seen the video before.”. Surely the time of publication will be a factor, however Mosseri assured that “If it’s someone pretending to be the original creator, which is less likely but could happen, it’s going to be hard to tell.”

In essence, the idea of ​​​​the new Instagram algorithm is to reduce the role of aggregators and give more credit to the original creators, but it still has a long way to go and surely the accounts could suffer unfair sanctions during its implementation. Faced with this question Mosseri assured that Instagram will continue to evolve its detection processes over time to better determine where the content comes from. and who has published the original, in order to help amplify reach to the real creators instead of continuing to allow duplicating accounts to gain all the engagement.

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