Streamtools Course #10. Sweepstakes and chance – .com

In the tenth and last class of the Streamtools course we are going to see how to add a component of randomness and chance to our live with draws, dice and coins.

And it is that adding chance and fortune in our streams is always exciting, whether it is about choosing the winner of an award, choosing the topic to be discussed, the game to play, or simply for fun.

We are going to see how to draw something, throw a coin and one or two dice so that it appears on our screen. Go for it!

Do you realize the possibilities that this tool adds? We can carry out a draw randomly among all the chat participants just by copying and pasting their names into Streamtools, and everyone will see their name pass in the selector.

In this last class I propose these optional tasks, to see if you dare:

  • Choosing a name among the chat participants
  • Choose a live theme from a list
  • flip a coin
  • Modify coin size
  • throw a dice
  • Change the size of the coin to 200px
  • throw two dice
  • Change the size of one of them to 150px

As we can see, we can use the dice not only to play role-playing or any game, but also to make decisions about the direction of the game based on its results. Is it expensive? We play Fortnite. Tails? We chat with each other. Imagination to the power!

And so far the class and the course! As always, if you have any doubt or question, you can send it through the support form of the subscriber intranet. See you in the next lesson! 🙂

See also  Discord course #8. Roles and server management - .com

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