The hacking of Taringa compromises the accounts of 28 million users

The attacks on don’t stop, and now The hacking of Taringa has exposed the data of millions of users of this well-known web portal that in recent years has managed to be a source of tutorials, recipes, reviews, tips and even pirated content.

A hack to Taringa exposes the data of millions of users

The hack to Taringa is the largest in its history and almost all user accounts have been compromised, specifically there is talk of 28,722,877 compromised accountswhich represents 94% of its total users registered. During the hacking of Taringa, the Hashed usernames, email addresses and passwords.

This hack to Taringa, also nicknamed “the Latin American Reddit” took place the day August 1 through an algorithm called MD5but only through a statement sent to affected users.

According to reports , the Taringa hack was carried out through LeakBase, from where all the information about it has been provided, and with it you can make an alarming analysis of accounts and passwords that hackers have managed to obtain.

The lack of security of the passwords chosen by the users as well as the lack of information about it through the platform is surprising. Of the nearly 27 million passwords that were leaked, only 15 million were unique passwordsthis means that the others coincide with those of some other user registered in Taringa.

Do this email is true???, which information has been compromised???

— _(ʘ_ʘ)_/ (@pollo290987)

The worrying low level of security of user accounts in Taringa

And no, they are not coincidences, as we have mentioned before, in addition to the fact that we should never use the same password for more than two websites, it is also necessary that they be made up of unique elements, and add an uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special characters.

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The most repeated password in Taringa was “12345678” which is registered in a total of 160,860 accounts, but that is not all since “Taringa” was the password used by 49,681 users and “000000” by another 17,691 users and “Barcelona” was chosen by 10,183 of the users. Of course, other less complex ones such as “password” or “pokemon” are also repeated on numerous occasions.

How to protect yourself in case of data theft

Of course this has not been the reason for this hack to Taringa, although we must reflect on the importance of the security of our accounts in any portal. However, those responsible for the portal have clarified that appropriate security measures have been taken after this attack, among which are a more solid encryption process, in addition to inviting its users to choose a new password, as well as changing those of other services that they had registered with the same password.

Not so far It has become clear who is behind this hacking of Taringa, nor how it is that cybercriminals managed to enter through the security breach of their servers. But what can be done in these cases is to change them as soon as possible and in the event that a portal does not require creating a more complex password, it is still advisable to choose among the best security practices to avoid incidents.

Image: from Taringa

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