TikTok launches the option to put text on the covers of your videos – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

keeps release helpful updates for your content creators, especially now that you will have to , the new microvideo section of Instagram.

Despite the harsh controversy that haunts TikTok around the privacy of its users’ data and the likelihood of its use being banned in the United States, this social network is one of the most influential today. TikTok has launched a new tool to create covers for your videos, a function that will allow you to help publicize your content more easily and reach your target audience.

This is how you can create covers for your videos on TikTok

As the TikTok Creators platform has pointed out in a post on Twitter, this new feature allows you to add a small descriptive title with custom typography what will appear only in the section of the video you have selected to appear on the cover of your videos, in order to offer your viewers a small, more informative preview of the content they will be able to find in your video.

As you can see in this video, create the cover It is very simple: From the video configuration options, choosing the cover option (upper right corner) you will simply have to choose the frame to display and a small text with some of the preconfigured options provided by the app.

New Feature Alert! 💥 You can now put text on the cover of your videos to give followers a preview of what your video is about. Find it on the cover editing page when you’re done filming!

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— TikTok Creators (@tiktokcreators)

That is, this text will not be displayed constantly during your video, but will only be seen as a label in the initial presentation before it is played.

In addition to informing your followers about the topic of your video, by adding a cover for your videos on TikTok will allow you to attract more viewers, since when visiting your channel they will be able to know at first glance what the general theme is and they will begin to follow you.

In any case, video covers are not something new in . This is the case of YouTube, whose creators learned long ago the importance of these covers to attract the attention of users. In this line that “Thumbnails and titles act as banner ads, helping viewers decide to watch your videos. Well-designed thumbnails and titles can attract more followers to your channel, encourage viewers to watch your videos so they know what to expect, and also help make your content appealing to a wide range of advertisers.”

Attract your audience by informing about the content of your channel even without having seen your videos

Of course the same applies to TikTok, which recently shared content distribution: “a strong indication of interest, such as a user finishing a longer video From beginning to end, it will receive more weight than a weak indicator, such as the viewer and the creator of the video being in the same country.”

So giving users more information about what they can expect from a video can get more people to see it through to the end, and of course will result in an improvement in the reach of your content.

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Another advantage that the function of adding a cover for your videos on TikTok will have is that your channel it will look much more professional. Remember that design and presentation are key to better impacting viewers, and your creativity will now extend to the preview, even before users play your content.

The new option to add covers to TikTok videos is now available to all users in the latest version of the application.

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