The 6 phases of CRO: how to carry them out –

The or CRO is made up of some phases to be considered as a successful process that helps a website to achieve its objectives. It should be noted that the CRO phases they only promote accurate results and help a company or business to generate profit through its own website. That is, the CRO always has the objective of improve business results.

Clearly, the user experience is key to achieving conversions in different ways depending on the focus of the web. In the case of ecommerce, the main vision is to be able to generate sales of products or services through a web page. These sales are part of the CRO. But on a website they can be visits or leads.

By applying the different phases of CRO described below, there is the possibility of improving said conversion rate considerably. Since having a lot of web traffic is null if the conversion rate is too lowit is important to carry out a CRO strategy with clear objectives.

How to carry out a CRO process

With the different phases of the CRO, there is the possibility of improving the user experience based on a study and accurate data. Allowing more accurate conversions to be generated and investing in a truly effective marketing strategy. These are the phases to carry out a CRO process.

Phase 1: Research and data collection

The first of the CRO phases focuses on data collection so that a more accurate study can be conducted. But… What are the data to collect? Simply, this phase is made up of the company’s objectives, the client’s objections and the usability of the web.

The main function is to help better understand what is the general objective to establish as part of the strategy. This requires a large amount of information from the three areas mentioned above, in order to create the ideal strategy. The function of each area is:

  • Company objective: It is necessary to delve into the company to find out what its main objective is, its buyer persona and what makes it stand out. This means better understanding what makes the company special and what sets its products apart from the rest.
  • Customer objections: One of the best ways to establish a successful CRO is by taking into account the most common problems among clients. Small details can keep you focused on solving those problems and driving higher conversions.

The important thing is to consider what are the reasons why the client does not make a conversion. Once the question is established, the answer could allow a strategy to be created that covers those details. In addition, it is possible to use different surveys that allow the consumer to express their discontent and establish greater interaction.

  • Website usability: Remember that every web page must offer a complete and comfortable experience based on the user’s interests. It is possible to collect information taking into account details such as the sales process and how the traffic received by the web is broken down. In addition to the most common operating system among users.
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Phase 2: Hypothesis development

Since you have collected enough information that will be useful for your website experiments, it is necessary to continue with another of the CRO phases. In this case, takes the time to develop hypotheses based on knowledge previously gained from data collection.

The hypothesis seeks to pose and test a problem that helps determine a better strategy. But clearly, a few questions need to be considered to find the best possible approach.

The first thing to consider are the trends that exist within the information collected or those patterns that users follow. Thanks to details like this, hypotheses can be generated that are efficient and can be tested for a better strategy.

Take customer objections into account, as they offer plenty of reasons why they don’t end up converting. Through each statement of a hypothesis, important decisions can be made that help improve the sales of a company.

It is also necessary to raise the target user and how he acts so that your website has all the comforts so that they can make a conversion. Remember that each client is different, but what separates them most is the fact of being a new client and being a recurring client.

Segmentation in this phase of CRO is essential, because it always helps to perform analysis based on different characteristics. Although not perfect, it helps to better determine how users are grouped. And it is even important to take into account the page or pages that are going to be tested in the experiment.

In this case, this is the phase of the CRO that fulfills the formulation of hypotheses that need to be tested. Also, the user and the page to which the experiment is planned to be carried out are identified.

Phase 3: Testing

As in any of the other phases of the CRO, the testing phase is based on the questions that you must ask yourself. In this case, the test changes that will allow us to test or not the previously proposed hypotheses begin to be made. If you don’t need prior approval for changes, you can implement them immediately through various tools.

It is important to plan in advance what you intend to test, so that it fits in with the CRO process that you are looking to achieve. The first thing is to focus on whether the changes are really responsible for proving or not the proposed hypothesis. If so, you can continue with the changes without any problem.

The second thing to consider is whether each change made is consistent with the brand’s design, because avoiding going out of bounds is essential. Remember that a web page must be the representation of a brand and showing a change in the design can be disapproved.

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In addition, you need to consider how easy the changes are to apply. In case you have little time, it is best to focus on a few hypotheses and then study them to avoid wasting so much time. If instead you have the facility to test many hypotheses at the same time, all the desired tests can be executed.

Phase 4: Implement Designs

When implementing designs in another of the CRO phases, it is best to use different tools such as Optimizely. Thanks to its help, several tests can be carried out simultaneously on different web pages.

The most important thing to remember is that more complex designs may require a greater amount of work. And you probably want to be on the safe side by testing the layout in a variety of browsers to avoid corruption or bugs. The elements you change can have a big impact and you don’t want to hurt the amount of traffic on a website.

Remember that browsers can present web pages in different ways and to avoid inconvenience, it is necessary to test them. This way you can define if there is a browser that presents a website incorrectly and avoid influencing the traffic of said website.

In some tools like Optimizely you have the opportunity to redirect a specific amount of traffic to each experiment. This helps you accurately control the effect each test page has on your experiment and better determine your strategy.

In the case of having a large amount of web traffic, being able to redirect only part of it allows you to compensate for any loss due to the disapproval of the change. This helps watch your back while you continue to study how users receive a series of test changes.

During this phase, the objectives are quite clear and allow:

  • Put the variations to the test with a percentage of web traffic.
  • Try the page in different browsers.
  • The design that has been proposed is approved and adapted to the needs of the users, providing a better experience.
  • Customer segmentation can be established appropriately.

Phase 5: Analysis of results

In theory, different hypotheses are presented through the phases of the CRO to achieve what are the characteristics that improve the user experience. In the case of phase number five, the results have been compiled and it is necessary to study them in order to understand what they offer.

Remember that the changes that all the traffic of a web page may or may not acquire depend on these results. So it is essential to interpret the results very well so that the strategy allows you to acquire a better conversion rate instead of affecting it.

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Also a key objective is the , whose purpose is to understand whether or not the hypothesis is correct. Upon achieving it, the tools you used to measure results can help you better understand whether or not you reached that point.

If your hypothesis was correct and conversions increase, then you must follow the last step of the CRO phases to complete your management. In this phase, the design that has been approved by the users and that improves the conversion rate in an acceptable way is implemented.

If the hypothesis has not been adequate, then new hypotheses can continue to be proposed until the most adequate one for the web is discovered. Clearly it can take time, but a failed test can give necessary information about what a customer prefers when buying.

The revision stage also has the purpose of understanding the results of a hypothesis, applying it if necessary and if it is not correct, writing down what has been learned. Thus, it is possible to propose a new hypothesis that allows the conversion rate to be easily improved.

Phase 6: Confirmation of the design

Once you have managed to approve your hypothesis, you can continue with the design of the web and place the changes once you have the confirmation. Remember that the tests are carried out in order to find out what are the strategic points that can be improved within a website.

By implementing a change that is well received by users, the conversion rate increases considerably depending on previous studies. And that’s when you can focus on providing all web traffic with access to change.

Small details can lead to more customers converting and higher profits. The important thing is always to learn from each of the processes in order to establish a hypothesis that offers solutions.

Since each hypothesis only poses a problem and a solution, the phases of the CRO must be put into practice constantly. Although having the information collected as a base, it is much easier to update it and be able to carry out new tests.

The internet and digital marketing are constantly changing, so testing in a row can make a difference. The intention is to optimize the conversion rate as much as possible, although it is necessary to take into account that it will never be perfect.

However, it is much better to have a high conversion rate that generates constant profits, than to have a lot of traffic and no conversions. The main function of…

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