How to do a marketing TFG: practical tips to get the best grade – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

face a Final work, whether it’s the end of the degree, the end of the master’s degree or the end of the cycle, always imposes. It is that last step in a stage in which you do not want to fail. In addition, he is always surrounded by a certain imposing aura, as if it were an almost titanic test. But, the truth is that, seen up close, it is less scary and if you choose well, It can be a most inspiring project that will help you deepen your professional interests.. It will help you to realize everything you have learned, which is usually more than you think, and it will also help you polish what you are not so clear about yet.

But since we’ve all felt a bit lost when we came face to face with this, we’re going to introduce you to the guide that we would have liked to have to face our final works. We hope that it will help you to take it as well as possible and not see it as the final villain that you have to get out of the way to beat the game.

How to make a (great) marketing TFG: index

Choice of theme

It seems like a basic step, but the truth is that in essence we could classify it as the most important. The theme you choose for your work will accompany you for months and will be something you have to dedicate time and effort to. That is why choose an idea that inspires you, attracts you and causes you interest It will be one of the keys to end up doing the best job possible.

But don’t be alarmed either. there is always the possibility of changing focus or even project completely if you see it necessary. Still, spending time thinking about what you want to write about will save you future headaches.

The good thing about an area like the marketing it is the amount of possibilities it offers you. You can choose to carry out more practical work (create a marketing plan, for example) or lean towards more theoretical or analytical questions (analyze the trajectory of a brand or the construction of an artist from marketing, etc.). The possibilities are almost endless and it will be you who determines the final option, which is always a plus point. Unlike other jobs, in this you set the rules and you decide what you want to talk about and how, following the advice of your tutor, of course… but you understand me.

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(And choice of guardian)

Yes, this is another relevant point that should not be overshadowed. And, as with the subject, the tutor you request will be by your side throughout the process. Therefore, it will not only be important to choose a teacher who has inspired you or that you likebut have knowledge or consider that will be able to guide you well. In other words, if you are going to redesign the packaging of a product, even if the radio communication teacher is your favorite, she may not be the best option.

Planning and times

If you are a maniac of organization and planning, like a servant, this point will not even need to be explained to you. But, if on the other hand you are a more normal person and without any kind of compelling vital attraction for creating lists for everything, here are some tips.

Identify the term in which you would like to carry out the work, which call you would prefer to go to. Once this is done, try organize and dimension the rest of the tasks with which you have to fulfill. Surely you will have to combine the project with other subjects, papers, exams or practices, so set a work schedule it will be very useful to you. You don’t need to give yourself a penalty if you don’t do it, but maintaining a certain work routine will help you not find yourself a month before the presentation with undone homework. Also, this point will become even more important in case your work is practical and you must develop and execute, for example, a brand or strategy in a real way. In that case you should have a greater control of the times.

If you want to make sure you meet the times you have set for yourself, a good way to do it is set deadlines with your tutor. In this way, in addition to setting dates to complete tasks, this will also allow you to divide the work into blocks, which helps to structure it from the beginning. On the other hand, this will allow your tutor to correct your work and send you the relevant instructions.

Structure and development

When establishing the structure, make sure you have specified the topic well. Be sure to control the dimensions of your project and set limitssince if you didn’t go deeper or expand it so much, you could never finish.

Starting from the maxim that the skeleton of your work will vary depending on the theme and approach, there are a series of common elements that are usually present in every project. Let’s start at the beginning.

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Abstract or abstract

This short summary should condense in a paragraph or two the essence of your workWhat is it about and what is its purpose? In addition, it must be written in Spanish, English and in the co-official language of the community to which the university belongs. For example, if you write your TFG in Galician, you must include the abstact itself in that language and others in Spanish and English.


Yes, it sounds obvious, but then in the rush you still forget to create them. In the plural, because in addition to creating an index with the paragraphsit is recommended that you make other exclusives for tables, images or figures.


This is the cover letter (extended version, if we count the abstract) of your project. talk about your motivations, what led you to choose that topicthe teachers in charge of correcting it (the court) usually appreciate it and give more value to your work.

After that, contextualizes the starting point, the theme and sheds relevant information that helps to understand the dimensions of your object of study or the focus of your work.

Hypotheses or objectives

In the section in which you include your hypotheses, you must reflect what do you want to prove or demonstratewhile in which you define your objectives, you must explain What do you want to get. The first case corresponds to theoretical and analytical projects, and the second to practical projects.

And remember, goals and KPIs are inseparable friends, do not separate them. Every time you leave an abandoned target unaccompanied by his , a duckling dies. If you have doubts about KPIs, we explain what they consist of.


The bulk of your work, this point will actually correspond to most sections of your project. In them you will have to execute your analysis, study, your marketing plan, etc.


The finishing touch, the final reflection in which you dump all the learning you have learned while proving or disproving your hypotheses, or analyzing in depth whether or not the objectives have been achieved while proposing changes, improvements or highlighting what should be maintained.


The most appropriate way to write a document such as an academic work is in majestic plural or impersonal style. In addition to this, try to make your writing style as professional as possible, you don’t have to swallow the RAE dictionary, but rather express clearly and formally And, of course, watch your spelling.

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Be critical and reflective, citing and showing knowledge derived from studies or reports is important, but so is using that information, comparing it, combining it and transforming it into your own conclusions. Let’s not forget that this is about the job where you demonstrate your knowledge and skills, so you have to go one step further.


A previous step to create is to learn, and reflecting on this learning will help us to justify our work. For this you can go to the classics: Kotler, Bowen, etc. But you will also find a lot of information of interest in more current experts.

There are many podcasts, media, and content creators (Itziar Oltra or Locas por el Marketing, for example), with which you can learn and deepen in this field. You can also use online spaces such as Google Scholar or Dialnet, where you will find a multitude of very useful reports, publications and documents. Also, luckily, you are reading this in a wonderful specialized medium, which has numerous articles and one that, we are sure, will be of help to you 😉

And, once you have found your sources, you must not forget to quote them. Do not copy and quote carefully, universities usually have anti-plagiarism programs that review the works before accepting defense requests, so if they detect any problem they will notify you.

We hope that these tips will help your final project go from causing cold sweats and night terrors to being a motivation to grow academically and professionally. And, as a last but not least important recommendation: don’t be hard on yourself. Surely there will come a time when nerves and stress take over you, disconnect and when the block goes away, continue. After this, we can only tell you, go for it, marketer! 😉


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