How the Reels algorithm works… explained by Instagram – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

Microvideos have taken a special place among the consented contents of users in , and meanwhile, their Reels, a medium with which users can create short, direct video content and a channel to drive discovery and

But it is not always easy to take full advantage of the reach and what can be achieved with this type of content, and thinking about it, Instagram has revealed in a post how the Reels algorithm worksso that creators, advertisers and users in general know what they should post to use Reels as a growth opportunity.

Reels algorithm determines which content will be interesting for each user

On Instagram, the keys to understanding the Reels algorithm are disclosed:

First, Instagram Highlights How It Determines Which Reels Each User Is Likely To Be Interested In based on four key factors:

  • Those who see a complete Reel
  • Give it a “Like”
  • Those who say they were entertaining or funny
  • Let them go to the audio page to create their own Reel

In this way we can understand that the more Reels you watch, ideally until the end, the more signals of interest the platform will have to determine what you want to see next, taking into account direct factors such as likes, and comments that also play an important role

But the algorithm of reels does not only live by visits, since Instagram also wants to encourage engagement, so it is more likely that if more users use a Reel as inspiration for their own creations, those users will also see more of this content in the future. This could be a reason to try to take advantage of audio trends, which could maximize the exposure of your clips.

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Instagram also shares the four main signals that can boost the reach of a Reel:

  • Your activity: the Reels that have been liked, that have been commented on and with which engagement has been achieved.
  • The history of interaction with the person who posted the Reel
  • Information about the Reel, such as audio, video type (pixels, frames) as well as popularity.
  • Information about the person who posted the video and how you interact with other users.

Artificial intelligence takes into account what kind of video it is

Although the Reels algorithm does not seem to be very new, since it is based on showing more content based on the history of the user’s views, It is interesting to note that Instagram is also based on the pixels and frames of the video.

This means that Instagram is trying to match not only the theme of the content text but also its artificial intelligence determines what is shown in each clip, so, for example, if you interact with videos of dogs, you will see more and more Dog Reels in your feed.

It is not known exactly how detailed this process is, but could be very precise about your visual preferencesand we must keep in mind that the Reels algorithm learns and improves over time.

Reels limits political content, low resolution … and that comes from TikTok

To finish, Instagram also shared this overview of what the reels algorithm limits on its distribution:

As noted above, , also those with low resolution or a watermark will be limitedand also the scope has been limited to clips containing political content, probably to avoid any complication on controversial topics.

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To summarize, the conclusion is that in general both in Reels and in all social platforms, entertaining content that encourages audience response is what will be most relevantand while consistently creating quality, engaging content isn’t easy, there are no tricks up your sleeve and you’ll just have to follow your own instincts and formulas that have worked with your target audience.

Much of it is trial and error, and in the meantime, learning about the reel algorithm and learning from those who are successful on their platform will help you along the way.

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